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Japan's snow monkeys go fishing to survive the harsh winter

Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) are tough creatures. They’re the northernmost-living nonhuman primate, inhabiting various habitats across several islands in Japan. The most rugged of the bunch live in the Kamikochi area of Chubu Sangaku National Park of the Japanese Alps. But winter isn’t easy for them. Although the snow monkeys are omnivorous and not particularly fussy […]

A new dangerous coronavirus variant has emerged. Here's what we know about it so far

No, the pandemic isn’t over yet

Portugal says farewell to coal as it closes last remaining plant

The country already has a lot of renewables as part of its energy transition

Feeding dogs only once a day may protect them from age-related disease

Dogs will protest, but a meal a day may keep the vet away.

Fossil Friday: Early-sprouting pine cone preserved in amber

Early birds get fossilized!

New 'super jelly' is soft, but strong enough to withstand the weight of a few cars

This is the first time such a material has been developed.

Eugenics: how bad science was used to promote racism and ableism

When you believe some people are worth less than others, you end up on the wrong side of history.

World's first 3-D printed prosthetic eye implanted in British patient

The technology can slash waiting time for prosthetic eyes from months to weeks.

Aspirin use may increase the risk of heart failure among at-risk individuals

The findings cast doubt on the use of aspirin in treating at-risk individuals.

Green walls can reduce heat lost by buildings by over 30% in temperate climates

They look great and can help keep heating bills low.

Waterlamp generates light and electricity for 45 days with just half a liter of seawater

The WaterLight is a cordless lamp that converts saltwater into electricity to emit light anywhere.

Sweden calls for crypto mining ban to protect the climate

Bitcoin alone produces emissions comparable to a medium country.

Roman mosaic found beneath farmer’s field in the UK portrays famous Greek legend

A group of archeologists have found a Roman villa containing a mosaic that portrays scenes from Homer’s Iliad, the fight between Achilles and the Trojan hero, Hector. The mosaic dates back to the third or fourth century AD and it was first found by a farmer in Rutland, UK, who got in touch with researchers […]

Neanderthal man suffered from earliest example of disease jumping from animal to human

Zoonotic diseases have always plagued both humans and our close extinct relatives.

Amsterdam trials pigs to deter birds from its main airport

The bizarre Dutch battle to keep airports safe.

We're getting a better idea of how moles turn into melanoma, and environment is key

The genetic changes that drive the emergence of skin cancer seem to be caused by environmental factors.

Just 3 minutes of red light therapy improves declining eyesight due to old age

Deep red light stimulates mitochondria -- the cell's power generators -- which may help people see better.

Healthier, more nutritious diets have a lower environmental impact -- at least in the UK

Eating better would benefit you and the planet, too.

Kids and teens believe girls aren't interested in computer science -- and the stereotype drives disparity

We need more women in science and these attitudes aren't helping.

Can’t cope with the urban heat? More trees could save the day

Consider yourself lucky if you live in a tree-rich area

Astronomers may have detected a planet orbiting a triple star system

Space is full of weird things -- and they often come in groups.

3D printing living materials with bioink made entirely from bacteria

We're witnessing a revolution in materials engineering and manufacturing.

Prehistoric moms were much better at raising their children than we give them credit for

More children likely survived infancy in hunter-gatherer times than previously thought.

Housework can help keep our minds and bodies limber into old age

Chores may not be pleasant, but they're good for you.

Microphone-enabled smart devices are a huge privacy concern, but most of us aren't aware of it

The problem is more widespread than you'd think.

Sri Lanka abandons plan to be the world's first fully organic farming country

Opposition of farmers and an economic crisis got in the way of an ambitious plan.

Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy: could recreational drugs treat depression & PTSD?

Despite their ill reputation, psychedelics such as Psilocybin, LSD, and MDMA (commonly known as Ecstasy) may be the missing puzzle piece to treating several mental disorders. Results from contemporary clinical trials testify for the drugs’ capacity in inducing positive, long-term alterations in mental health and well-being in both patients and healthy individuals, when taken under […]

The European Space Agency aims to launch its own astronauts into space in a new proposal

It comes amid a series of proposals that the ESA will pursue in the future.

The world’s first emission-free container ship just finished its first run

A first step towards the decarbonization of a very large industry sector.

Lobsters, octopuses and crabs recognized as "sentient" in the UK

It's just a step away from banning inhumane practices in the restaurant and fishing industries.

One of Einstein's manuscripts is going to auction and is expected to fetch millions of euros

It is undoubtedly the most valuable Einstein manuscript to ever come to auction, according to the auction house.

Our daily commute has a direct impact on our productivity and job satisfaction

Few people actually enjoy their commutes. But the ones who do have a better experience at work.

Why lithium-ion batteries have become dirt cheap: R&D

We have research and development to thank for affordable batteries.

Astronomers zoom in on mysterious V838 Monocerotis red nova

Now we are sure it was once at least a triple star system.

Novel mRNA vaccine against ticks works in guinea pigs

In the US alone, there are 50,000 tick bites reported every year.

Countries are overusing natural resources faster than is sustainable -- even the greener ones

Sustainable? What's that?

Galápagos giant tortoises often live over 100 years without cancer. The secret to their longevity may be in their genes

Extra copies of genes, known as duplications, help the giant tortoises live a long and prosperous life.

In Iceland, CO2 is sucked out of the air and turned into rock

The project, while innovative, is unlikely to save us from climate change.

What is the Most Efficient CBD? Why the Way You Take CBD Matters

CBD can be found in various formats from oil and edibles to balms and vape liquids. Which one should you choose?

Exercise releases cannabis-like chemicals that fight and reduce chronic inflammation

Researchers have found a surprising link between endocannabinoids and gut microbes in reducing inflammation.

Researchers find world’s oldest mercury poisoning in humans

It's one of the most concerning chemicals for human health

Scientists figure out a way to add fat to lab-grown meat

The industry is progressing very quickly.

Holographic camera can see around corners or even through the skin

A new age of imaging technology is upon us.

EU wants to ban imports linked to deforestation -- beef, coffee, and chocolate are included

If legislation passes, it would be a huge move.

The longest lunar eclipse in nearly 600 years is happening tonight

Get ready for a celestial showtime

We're evolving right now: scientists see how our genome is changing in recent history

Evolution never stops.

Russia just destroyed a satellite with a space missile strike -- and it's a problem

It was part of a military test

Skunk marijuana has chemical compounds similar to garlic, which explains the similar odor

Cannabis may also share the medical properties of garlic.

New vaccine kills HIV in monkeys. Could it work in humans?

It won't happen overnight, but an HIV vaccine could be on the way.

The paradox of big auctions: the greater the competition, the poorer the bids

Smaller auctions may counter-intuitively sell items for better prices.

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