Biology Tank-like dinosaur fossil discovered in Chile could show how spike-tails became club-tails December 1, 2021
Agriculture This natural chemical could keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer November 30, 2021
Environment We could blast microplastics out of water using loudspeakers, although the tech is still young November 30, 2021
Agriculture Turning leaked methane into fishmeal would turn a profit while helping the environment November 29, 2021
Animals Japan’s snow monkeys go fishing to survive the harsh winter November 29, 2021 - Updated on October 9, 2023
Health A new dangerous coronavirus variant has emerged. Here’s what we know about it so far November 26, 2021
Materials New ‘super jelly’ is soft, but strong enough to withstand the weight of a few cars November 26, 2021
Anthropology Eugenics: how bad science was used to promote racism and ableism November 26, 2021 - Updated on May 4, 2023
Science World’s first 3-D printed prosthetic eye implanted in British patient November 26, 2021 - Updated on November 28, 2021
Health Aspirin use may increase the risk of heart failure among at-risk individuals November 25, 2021
Environment Green walls can reduce heat lost by buildings by over 30% in temperate climates November 25, 2021
Design Waterlamp generates light and electricity for 45 days with just half a liter of seawater November 25, 2021
Archaeology Roman mosaic found beneath farmer’s field in the UK portrays famous Greek legend November 25, 2021
Health Neanderthal man suffered from earliest example of disease jumping from animal to human November 25, 2021 - Updated on November 26, 2021
Animals Amsterdam trials pigs to deter birds from its main airport November 25, 2021 - Updated on August 24, 2023
Genetics We’re getting a better idea of how moles turn into melanoma, and environment is key November 24, 2021
Biology Just 3 minutes of red light therapy improves declining eyesight due to old age November 24, 2021
Environmental Issues Healthier, more nutritious diets have a lower environmental impact — at least in the UK November 24, 2021
News Kids and teens believe girls aren’t interested in computer science — and the stereotype drives disparity November 24, 2021
Future 3D printing living materials with bioink made entirely from bacteria November 24, 2021 - Updated on December 7, 2021
Archaeology Prehistoric moms were much better at raising their children than we give them credit for November 23, 2021
Future Microphone-enabled smart devices are a huge privacy concern, but most of us aren’t aware of it November 23, 2021
Agriculture Sri Lanka abandons plan to be the world’s first fully organic farming country November 23, 2021
Mind & Brain Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy: could recreational drugs treat depression & PTSD? November 22, 2021 - Updated on January 5, 2022
News The European Space Agency aims to launch its own astronauts into space in a new proposal November 22, 2021
News One of Einstein’s manuscripts is going to auction and is expected to fetch millions of euros November 22, 2021
Mind & Brain Our daily commute has a direct impact on our productivity and job satisfaction November 22, 2021
Future Why lithium-ion batteries have become dirt cheap: R&D November 22, 2021 - Updated on November 23, 2021
Environment Countries are overusing natural resources faster than is sustainable — even the greener ones November 21, 2021
Animals Galápagos giant tortoises often live over 100 years without cancer. The secret to their longevity may be in their genes November 19, 2021
Science What is the Most Efficient CBD? Why the Way You Take CBD Matters November 19, 2021 - Updated on November 22, 2021
Health Exercise releases cannabis-like chemicals that fight and reduce chronic inflammation November 19, 2021