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Algorithms could help usher in a new material revolution.
You may have seen gender pronouns popping up on social media or email signatures. Here's why this is important.
Ancient aliens may have not found Venus that appealing.
The origin is yet unknown.
Thousands of years worth of chemical interaction between a particular type of volcanic ash and water have made the Roman concrete stronger, not weaker, over time.
One of the largest studies on this topic finds that the hormone simply doesn't improve social skills.
You can enjoy auroras with both your eyes and ears.
Oh, oh. Science overload!
The people have spoken!
Habitat loss and intensive farming are some of the main drivers
It's like a glass of warm milk before bed, but better!
It uses the same tech as self-driving cars.
These algorithms open up a new avenue of scamming and hacking.
Let’s face it, Americans have never been famous for their healthy diets and slender physiques. Now a new study out of New York University published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that the diet of the average United States citizen is including more ultra-processed foods than ever. Ultra-processed foods are defined as […]
If you were to gather all the electronic waste we generate in a single year, you could form a tall mountain visible from space.
The newly developed cocktail is harmless to humans. It could be sprayed across regions where malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases are prevalent.
Covering roofs with solar panels could significantly contribute to decarbonising global energy systems.
Greenhouse gas emissions produced by human activity were influencing the global climate since the early 20th century, a study reports. The study, carried out by NASA researchers, provides one of the earliest evidence of global man-made climate change. Tree ring records can be used to reconstruct temperature and precipitation seasonal variations. Researchers can also use […]
Thanks to some Austrian salt mines, scientists have been able to learn more about Iron Age diets. Some of those findings have revealed that the ancient Europeans had diets that resembled a few things you might find at your Super Bowl party. The study published in the journal Current Biology discovered ancient fecal samples in […]
They can tell who was good or bad to them in the past.
No lighters back then but hunter-gathers still found a way to enjoy tobacco.
And it could get worse.
What looks like a bright, sharp dividing line between humans and other animals is really an artefact of extinction.
Some people who try psychedelics may make important lifestyle changes for the better.
The electromagnetic fields are causing the crabs to 'freeze' in place.
The clinical benefits are astonishing in some cases.
The signals don't match any known source. It could be an entirely new cosmic object.
It was one of the most violent eruptions in human history.
We're still only starting to discover the effects of gut bacteria on human health.
The magnetic connection of the stars and unseen orbiting planets tipped off the astronomers.
It’s part of a wider effort to reduce the state’s emissions.
Bitcoin is often called digital gold, but perhaps digital stone money may be more apt.
It could save and improve lives.
The evidence supporting plant-based diets grows stronger and stronger.
This device could help keep cars on track even without using a GPS.
A particular brain protein indicates whether or not a traumatic memory can be changed or forgotten.
This gives it a surprisingly human-like intuition.
The entirety of Twitch has now been leaked for free.
Practising standing on one leg has also sorts of benefits, research shows.
A key goal of the Chang'e-5 mission was to find evidence of some of the youngest volcanic eruptions on the Moon.
New technologies are helping us discover old structures.
They seem like squishy bears but are actually very tough
Its efficacy is around 30%, but even so, it could save many lives.
"This is a historic moment," said WHO chief.
Their research helped develop new drugs and made chemistry greener.
It already covers 13 square miles and could expand further .
It's not everyday you see a breakthrough in physics.
Female bats and birds tend to prefer warmer geographical areas, away from males. Something similar may occur in humans.
Don't sprinkle soy sauce and wasabi on it.
There's some good news: eating a serving of peanuts adds 25 healthy minutes of life.