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It's a terrible waste of resources.
Although it's thousands of times thinner than a strand of human hair, the DNA antenna can both receive and transmit radio waves.
Plastics are all over, especially in protected areas.
Understanding where and how memories are formed could lead to more ways to treat conditions like PTSD and addiction.
We're learning new things about the most powerful explosions in the universe.
It's a watershed moment in medicine.
The rock was jettisoned to the moon when early Earth was pounded by daily meteorite impacts.
A new study may help explain how some gender stereotypes become entrenched from early childhood.
It's a tale as old as history -- but it could be a misleading tale.
There's a way to go but things are progressing smoothly.
We have to talk more about air pollution.
These brave tiny creatures could pave the way for humans traveling to distant worlds outside of our solar system.
Environmental DNA analysis has now been shown to be effective for air samples as well.
Tunnelling is anything but boring with this robot.
The auction, although a commercial success, raises questions about whether fossils should be up for sale.
Long COVID is very much real and not some figment of our imagination. Its cause is rooted in persisting microclots, new research suggests.
If there's this much waste in Sweden, a country of 10 million, what does this mean for the entire planet?
It’s part of an effort to bring down pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, making cities more friendly to people instead of cars.
The new variant has 46 mutations making it more vaccine-resistant and infectious.
The actor is an environmental campaigner against the climate and biodiversity crisis
Could these giant explosions be the reason we exist?
The Omicron strain is spreading like wildfire around the world.
Physicists call it 'quantum weather'.
Focus on what can be solved.
December was remarkably wet, but the drought is not done yet.
Every minute matters, and a drone can really speed things up.
So far, they will be limited to plowing -- but not for long!
There are genuine fears the Chinese state will weaponize the system.
The more we look at beavers, the more we see how important they are.
It's a major milestone, but it's still not ready for action just yet.
Although it can't tell us what type of cancer a patient is suffering from, it can tell us that it's there.
There is some concern that deer could become a 'reservoir species' for the coronavirus.
Scientists have discovered a new layer of a crucial muscle in the jaw.
Spray yourself with catnip to drown in cats and repel mosquitoes. Win-win!
Earth’s gravity and Sun’s radiation can change its surface.
Not all conferences should be stopped. But cutting down on needless travel is something we should all consider.
It's easy to erase the progress made in our fight against measles.
The annual flu shot might become a thing of the past.
It's like a wildfire in space.
Protecting the environment is easiest when it makes economic sense.
Not so stealthy after all, eh?
Both insulin and the newly discovered FGF1 regulate blood sugar levels, but they each do so using independent pathways.
Astronomers have called it a "cosmic monster".
Locals and international organizations worked together to make it happen.
A good place to start.
We're getting there, it's just taking a bit more time.
The resolution is so fine-tuned, the only blurred thing in the image is the thermal jiggling of the atoms themselves.
A forensic artist used archaeology, genetics, and history to reconstruct Ludvig’s appearance.
Facial cues could inform heterosexual women, but not men, if a potential mate is more interested in casual sex than a commited relationship.
They don't make them like they used to.