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They work to protect our cells from damage caused by iron imbalances.
There are two approved monkeypox vaccines in the US. Both use a related poxvirus called vaccinia to produce an immune response that protects against smallpox and monkeypox.
The galaxy's odd shape is owed to an ancient collission between two galaxies.
Polio is becoming a real problem in the US.
The researchers said they’ve never seen anything like this.
Oil and gas prices are surging, many consumers and even entire countries are pushed to the brink -- while fossil fuel companies thrive.
While it's not yet ready to be worn and used, the team is closing in on that goal.
A completely new research device had to be developed to capture these enigmatic beasts in action.
The long-term economic outlook for Ukraine as it manages the effects of the Russian invasion
The technology could dramatically improve the lifespan of precious organs meant for transplantation.
University students at MIT couldn't tell if the math problems they were shown were proposed by a human or a machine.
Iceland has even put a livestream of the volcano, while warning people to stay away from the lava and toxic fumes.
Although they do help, it's important to try and memorize the most important bits of information ourselves.
It's a much better use for industrial-grade oil waste than dumping it in a river.
An unexpected material can help greatly improve the properties of modern cement.
Wearable electronics could soon be powered by dead microbes, based on this new study
There's still chance to avoid this, but we have to act now.
Time to dust off those old family photos in the attic.
To be fair, that's how regular-sized planets do it, too!
The new chips would offer a much higher performance while using less power. It could also help ease the chip shortage.
It could be a way of turning a problem into an advantage.
Climbing the social ladder is increasingly difficult in the United States -- one of the reasons why may be because rich kids aren't interacting with poor kids anymore.
Days were actually supposed to get longer, not shorter. What gives?
The new battery fiber allows designs and applications that have not been possible before.
The teeth of the last European panda species tells a lot about their lifestyle and their relation with the modern giant panda.
Vessels were found to largely disregard current speed limits, endangering whales
Spoiler alert: it's not good.
The drop is owed to rising human populations and shrinking forest surface.
Just as long as you don't overdo it, stress can actually help.
Thankfully, the hatchling green sea turtle survived and is now well.
The Romans gambled their bread money using asymmetrical and 'unfair' dice. A new study suggests they might have cared more about gods than math.
All Hallow’s Eve is not that far away, and that can only mean one thing: trick-or-treating season! But for those of us that are past the age of anyone would hand us any candy, holiday cards are (pardon the pun) probably on the cards. While the traditional approach to sending a card would be to […]
So the next time you and your kids decide to have the talk, it could be the birds and the bees and…the crustaceans?
Some people kissed 5,000 years ago and now we have to deal with this.
Tiny, cheap batteries like this could someday turn anything into an electronic device.
The roadmap exists and it can be followed. We can reach 100% renewable energy within a couple of decades.
It's all about their evolution, according to a new study
Ingenuity could be just the first of many Martian helicopters
We're past a tipping point in science that could prove groundbreaking.
Engineering projects tend not to be good news for wildlife, but this one might just be the exception.
Their previous name doesn't say anything useful about their biology and fuels hate against them.
The story of how some human populations gained lactose tolerance may be more gruesome than you might have imagined.
Many more Americans than previously thought could be forced to have kids they don't really want.
There's a million and one shortages right now. But this one may have a technical solution.
Ancient poop can reveal a lot about the habits of ancient people.
Cheap public transit is a good way to reduce road congestion. But it's not all rosy.
It's amazing we're able to piece this scenery together after all this time.
There's untapped climate potential in alternative proteins -- proteins that don't come from meat.
The small particulate matter may be causing damage to the blood vessels
Earth's magnetic field bounced back right in the nick of time around 550 million years ago.