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Ancient Egyptians' worship of Bes might be linked to hallucinogenic use

Researchers find traces of a cocktail they used to drink

New material can soak up record amounts of moisture from the air

It’s made from hydrogel, a naturally absorbent material.

Heat vision: "Thermometer in the sky" satellite can revolutionize building efficiency from Space

The thermometer in the sky could help us make buildings more efficient -- saving money and fighting climate change.

Bones, the ‘Cave of the Monkeys’ and 86,000 years of history: new evidence pushes back the timing of human arrival in Southeast Asia

There's still much we don't know about the timeline of humans.

Capybaras: the world’s largest rodents

This rodent of unusual size is cute.

I suffer from the world’s most beautiful disease - and also the most expensive to treat

Spinal muscular atrophy, a disease the author of the article suffers, is one of the genetic diseases with the highest associated mortality. It is also the most expensive to cure.

Frozen moon Enceladus has key ingredient for life in its subsurface ocean

You wouldn't think a moon as frozen as Enceladus could have the ingredients for hosting life -- and yet.

The average dog knows 89 words and phrases. But some are super smart

Scientists used the same language assessment tools designed for human children.

Bumblebees' remarkable sense of smell guides them safely home

They have great vision, but their sense of smell steals the show.

Satellite captures how San Andreas plate is moving

The two tectonic plates in San Andreas are gliding past each other. Now, we can see them from high in the sky.

Finger-bending condition traced back to Neanderthal genetic heritage

Researchers have long known the disease was more common in Northern Europeans.

Some 3,000 years ago, ancient Egyptians were doing hydraulic engineering around the Nile

Ancient engineers had their work cut out for themselves.

Table salt from asteroid could be key to tracking origin of water on Earth

Asteroid sample challenges our assumptions about water in space.

After a pandemic break, US student loan payments are set to resume

The student forgiveness respite is closing down.

Weight-loss treatment for kids works best when it's family focused

We're still learning how to deal with obesity.

Bowhead whales' can repair their DNA -- and this possibly makes them cancer-resistant

They can live more than 200 years, and this might be why.

Sit down, coal. For the first time, renewables dominate coal in the US

Coal's drop this year has truly been remarkable

Underwater communication cables could double as seismic monitors -- which in turn could protect cables

It's an unexpected marriage of technologies.

Circumbinary solar systems -- Second-ever "Tatooine" system discovered

Astronomers have discovered only the second known circumbinary planet system, with the planet named BEBOP-1c.

When octopuses get cold, they rewire their brains and hijack their RNA

This is a seriously impressive biological ability.

Eating colorful fruits and veggies could help you see better -- at least if you're an athlete

Study looks into the benefits of certain plant compounds.

The hot, gross blob: Plastic and seaweed mix could spell trouble

Authorities are warning people to stay away from the blob.

This one-shot, non-surgical contraceptive could finally curb stray cat overpopulation

The therapy made cats sterile with no side effects for at least two years.

Extended zero-gravity stays could take a toll on brains of astronauts

The study's results could impact future crew travel and mission planning decisions.

Deaths from armed conflicts doubled in 2022. But the bloodiest war wasn't in Ukraine

A shocking report reveals a 97% surge in deaths due to organized violence, surpassing figures seen since the Rwandan genocide.

Convenience or culprit? Checkout aisles overflow with unhealthy snacks and drinks

Study calls for healthy checkout policies in both large and small stores.

How patient "M" saw the world backward and upside down

M was shot in the head. When he woke up the entire world appeared inverted to him.

This extinct human species buried their dead 100,000 years before us

They lived around the time the first humans started to appear in Africa.

Think morality is declining? So has everyone, ever

The crumbling of morality is a "psychological illusion", say researchers.

New dinosaur named after two-faced Roman god struggled to survive climate change

The new findings offer insights into dinosaur population shifts during climate change.

Crocodile in Costa Rica gives virgin birth. Could some dinosaurs do it too?

It’s the first known case of "virgin birth" in a crocodilian.

Deadly coral disease is spreading fast, and will likely wipe out 80% of global coral by 2100

Conserving coral reefs is crucial to maintaining the biodiversity of our oceans.

The oldest Greek archaeological site predates modern humans

The findings may explain why Greece has been a hotbed for human civilization.

How did the first sugars appear? A question as important as the origin of life

Could a simple chemical, glyoxylate, have paved the way for the evolution of early life on Earth?

Climate Justice: Global North owes $170 trillion for excessive CO2 emissions

Industrialized nations could face massive compensation charges due to excessive carbon dioxide emissions.

The Arctic could be ice-free by the 2030s, scientists sound the alarm

This could accelerate global warming even further.

JWST detects earliest complex molecules in the Universe in cosmic smoke

Webb discovered organic molecules in the most distant galaxy found to date.

Your cutting board might be contaminating your food with microplastics

Microplastics are truly everywhere.

Weed meta: Cannabis doesn't make you more creative but makes you THINK you are

Cannabis can make anything feel better, even the perception of your own mediocre creativity.

British sharp sense of humor goes back to the Middle Ages

A 15th-century document traces the roots of the famous British humor.

Scientists determine the composition of the earliest Roman perfume. It smells like patchouli

They found a bottle that had been preserved for over 2,000 years.

Bees are crucial but don't forget about moths: the unsung heroes of urban pollination

New research suggests that protecting moths is just as vital as safeguarding bees.

This new robot chef can recreate recipes just from watching food videos

It’s a big step towards automation of cooking.

Renewable energy is on track to shatter even more records in 2023

China continues to be the leading market, but the EU is moving fast amid the energy crisis.

China is drilling a super deep 10-km hole into Earth’s crust for science

The country has been exploring the deep Earth for many years.

Frozen Saturn moon spurts out water plume 20 times bigger than itself

That's not a good way to stay hydrated.

The most important virus you've never heard about: the human metapneumovirus

The virus has been flying under everyone's radar, but the CDC reported a sharp uptick recently.

The proof is in the flour: ancient 3000-year-old bakery surprises researchers

Archaeologists were puzzled by the mysterious ruins. But then, they found a "smoking gun."

Our galaxy may be teeming with habitable planets

These planets would not look like ours, but they would be habitable.

The healthiest yogurt is almond yogurt -- better than dairy

It might be time to switch yogurts

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