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UK installs AI-powered cameras on highways to catch and fine littering offenders

The trial ran was launched after complaints from environmental campaigners.

Ancient tooth unlocks secrets of Neanderthal hunter-gatherer lifestyle

They used a technique which laser samples enamel and makes isotope measurements

Mind-boggling methane leaks in Turkmenistan surpass entire carbon emissions of UK

The most infuriating thing about this is that methane leaks aren't all that hard to fix.

Whiff of the future: Face mask lets users smell in virtual reality

Virtual reality just got more immersive with this face mask that lets you smell things in real time.

This snake-like robot will help us explore the depths of icy worlds like Europa

JPL has developed a versatile, autonomous robot for planetary exploration.

These cute, talking robot heads like gossip and could help us understand hearing better

Would you like to host a bunch of talking robot heads at your home. If yes, you must be willing to listen to them because they talk a lot.

Farewell to coal? Experts forecast big drop in new coal-fired power plants

It just doesn't make sense to keep on investing in coal.

Earth’s earliest animals couldn't move but were still picky about where they lived

It's the first example of a habitat-selective creature from the Ediacaran Period.

Ibogaine, a psychedelic used in shamanistic rituals gives rise to new drugs that treat depression and addiction

Two novel drugs that work like ibogaine promise to treat depression and addiction, two overlooked evils that can ruin humanity.

Could rapeseed become edible soon? Scientists remove proteins that make it bitter

Rapeseed cake is only suitable for farm animals, but new research may finally open up its huge protein potential to humans.

FDA approves first RSV vaccine for older adults - a deadly virus on the rise

Along with COVID and the flu, RSV was part of a "tridemic" last winter.

Hate your nose? Neanderthals may be to blame

It’s the second discovery of DNA from ancient human ancestors

Bizarre holes at the bottom of the Atlantic that look 'almost human-made' leave scientists struggling for answers

The mysterious tracks are likely of biological origin, made perhaps by a large aquatic animal that has yet to be discovered.

Best way to catcall a cat: use both voice and gestures

Scientists learn how to be more social with unfamiliar cats.

Four of Uranus' moons may have oceans inside them

The new study could inform how a future mission might investigate Uranus' moons.

James Webb finds staggering debris belt around nearby star

The newly discovered inner gap sheds light on planetary formation in Fomalhaut's system.

New York becomes first US state to ban natural gas in new buildings

It could save a big amount of polluting emissions

Researchers create centipede robots that can save people from earthquake rubble

The more legs a robot has, the better. At least sometimes.

Researchers create the first wooden transistor

Technology is merging two seemingly incompatible worlds: plants and electronics.

Animal and plant trafficking is thriving on the dark web -- particularly for medicinal purposes

But the "light" web is even more problematic.

Scientists find distinct forms of surface water in world’s salt flats

This could help us to better protect the salt flat ecosystems.

Rapid rise in fungal attacks poses severe threat to global food supply

Researchers call for coordinated effort with funders, governments and farmers

The first crewed mission to Mars should be female-only -- for practical reasons

A female crew would require 26% fewer calories, 29% less oxygen, and 18% less water.

Archaeologists find the secret ingredient of Maya lime plasters

It's more than a history mystery. This might pave the way to creating new construction materials.

Using your phone's GPS all the time can impair your spatial memory

Our overreliance on GPS impairs our spatial memory.

New weather satellite offers mind-blowing views of our planet

The level of detail is just impressive.

City allotments (community gardens) are just as productive as farms

A citizen science project was able to harvest 1 kg of insect-pollinated fruit from a one-meter urban garden.

Scientists reintroduce 5,000 Polynesian snails: biggest ‘extinct in the wild’ release ever

It's never easy to reintroduce a species to the wild. But it seems to be working.

Astronomers discover intriguing exoplanet with possible water vapor atmosphere

The James Webb comes through again.

This creepy AI-generated beer commercial is a cautionary psychedelic nightmare

Did someone spike the beer with LSD?

Astronomers witness a star devouring a nearby planet for the first time

Observations of a rare stellar event provide new insights into star-planet interactions.

US policymaker wants disclosure of AI-generated content in political ads

Policy is usually notoriously slow to react to technology. Will this time be any different?

Cosmic CSI: Researchers identify chemical fingerprints of first stars

It's all in the chemical components.

You should really reach out to your friends. They'll appreciate it more than you think

People consistently underestimate how much their friends appreciate it when they reach out.

We're not taking sex in space seriously enough, researchers warn

It's all fun and games until a baby is conceived in microgravity. Then, the problems will start pouring in.

AI technology can now translate thoughts into words, and this is incredibly useful in some situations

It relies on a transformer model, such as the one that powers ChatGPT.

Insect numbers are dwindling. We now know why

It's us. The way we're treating the environment is the problem.

The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan confirms it's been mining Bitcoin for years

Bhutan has been mining Bitcoin since it was $5,000.

Facebook's GPT rival was leaked. Of course, it made it to 4chan

There's little hope in keeping AI engines isolated.

AI can now detect colds by analyzing the tone of voice

Researchers decode how a cold voice differs from a healthy one.

How we got our big brains -- missing genetic information and a stroke of luck

We are starting to better understand exactly what makes us human

Water treatment plants already remove 99.9% of nanoplastics from drinking water

We weren't expecting good news about microplastic pollution.

Alzheimer's disease in dogs looks remarkably similar to Alzheimer's in humans

This could help us better understand the disease -- and how to fight it, in both humans and dogs.

Astronomers capture first-ever image of black hole's ring-like structure and powerful jet

Scientists image M87 black hole's accretion disk and jet in unprecedented detail.

Superconducting highway transports vehicles and energy in one go

The proposed system could make the much touted superconductivity feasible.

Powerful new obesity drug that cuts 15% of body weight aces clinical trial

It sounds like it will be soon approved by the FDA, but there are still unknowns.

Archaeologists find ancient Roman camps in the Arabian Desert using Google Earth

The fortified camps were likely staging areas for an undocumented military campaign against an ancient kingdom in modern-day Jordan.

This crystal is world's largest Schrödinger's cat

Superposition shouldn't be possible for objects larger than an atom -- but these scientists are defying conventional wisdom.

Scientists make 'BeerBots' that speed up the brewing process

These tiny nanocapsules could be a game changer for beer brewing.

This ancient, Bronze Age civilization was wiped out by droughts

Droughts are a major problem for any civilization. It's not the first time they've brought demise.

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