Animals Dinosaurs were plagued by giant fleas ten times bigger than today and a lot meaner May 2, 2012
Anthropology Humanity is still subjected to the natural process of evolution, despite advances May 1, 2012 - Updated on December 3, 2021
Biology Recently found, mankind’s most distant relative doesn’t fit in any known branch of living organisms April 30, 2012
Psychology Humans think more rationally in a foreign language, study finds April 25, 2012 - Updated on December 22, 2022
Electronics New polymer coating technique leads to first-ever completely plastic solar cell and makes way for even thinner electronics April 20, 2012
Nanotechnology Scientists manage to derive semiconductor from graphene – huge implications for electronics industry April 18, 2012
Physics Physicist avoids traffic ticket by publishing a paper, proving his innocence April 16, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Inventions Real-life, working Tricorder developed by Trekkie-scientist and made open source available April 14, 2012
Anthropology Holding a gun makes you look bigger and stronger, study finds April 12, 2012 - Updated on April 14, 2012
Physics First-ever working quantum network lays foundation for the future’s quantum internet April 12, 2012
Genetics Niceness is in your genes: scientists find pro-social behavior is influenced by genetics April 10, 2012
Anthropology Shocking picture of incredibly well-preserved 15 year old girl from the Inca empire April 9, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Animals T. Rex relative had an extensive plumage – biggest feathered dinosaur ever found April 5, 2012 - Updated on February 9, 2024
Nanotechnology The most sensitive scale in the world can measure to the yoctogram (proton’s mass) April 4, 2012
Robotics ‘Smart sand’ could morph into any object automatically April 2, 2012 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Mind & Brain The Human brain might be organized a whole lot simpler than previously thought. Imaging reveals 3-D grid structure March 30, 2012
Geology Raindrops fossil 2.7-billion-year-old reveals secrets from Earth’s early atmosphere March 29, 2012
Anthropology New hominid species that lived alongside the famous Lucy was mostly a climber, not a walker March 28, 2012
Research Toy-inspired “Buckliball” paves the way towards a new class of engineering structures March 27, 2012 - Updated on April 22, 2023
Archaeology Astronomically aligned ancient stone monolith marked the seasons 4,000 years ago March 27, 2012 - Updated on January 31, 2019
Physics Scientists devise qubits in a semiconductor for the first time March 26, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Genetics Memories are stored in specific brain cells, MIT Inception-like research finds March 23, 2012
Research Robot jellyfish that runs on hydrogen can swim forever in the ocean March 21, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Anthropology Human ancestors started walking on two legs to carry more scarce resources, study suggests March 20, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017