Biology Bacteria replicate close to the limit of thermodynamic efficiency September 21, 2012 - Updated on September 23, 2012
Science DARPA’s new threat detection system: one 120-megapixel camera + one supercomputer + one EEG strapped soldier September 20, 2012 - Updated on September 21, 2012
Health Atlas of the human brain might help identify the mechanics of neural conditions September 20, 2012 - Updated on September 21, 2012
Other New high energy physics facility to be built – laser center will light Eastern Europe September 19, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Physics Hints of superconductivity at room temperature might hold far-reaching consequences September 19, 2012
Robotics Baxter, the friendly worker-bot, aims to revolutionize small manufacturing September 19, 2012
Science Russia declassifies diamond deposit – trillions of carats, enough for the entire world for 3.000 years September 18, 2012 - Updated on September 23, 2012
Geology Tiny Martian spherical rocks puzzle scientists and shifts attention back to Opportunity September 17, 2012
Chemistry Incredible molecular imaging shows individual chemical bonds for first time September 15, 2012
Psychology What are the mechanics of trustworthiness? You need to ask a robot, ironically September 13, 2012
Archaeology Archaeology team announces finding Grey Friars church – the burial place of Richard III September 5, 2012
Inventions Researchers make breakthrough in quantum computation: factoring a number in prime numbers August 20, 2012
Archaeology Whole 2000 year-old army of skeletons uncovered in Denmark. They tell of a macabre end August 16, 2012
Physics Hottest temperature on Earth reached after scientists create quark-gluon particle soup August 14, 2012
Physics Spintronics breakthrough at IBM could lead to new generation memory storage August 13, 2012 - Updated on August 15, 2012
Geology Massive meteorite crater found in Canada, after oldest and biggest one was found in Greenland August 9, 2012
Anthropology Fossil hints at distant relatives of our ancestors, deepens mystery August 9, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Anthropology Artifacts hint that modern human culture may have emerged in Africa 20,000 years earlier July 31, 2012
Archaeology Archaeologists unearth stunning human sculpture in Turkey July 30, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Nanotechnology Graphene layered in 3D crystal structure might allow for electronics revolution July 30, 2012
Physics ISS’s Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is like an LHC in space – already boasting fantastic results July 26, 2012
Psychology Human brain perceives men as persons and women as parts, study finds July 25, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017