Science 3700 American scientists polled – 20 percent consider moving overseas due to lack of funding August 30, 2013
Mind & Brain Brain-to-brain interface allows first telepathic exchange of information between two humans August 28, 2013
Animals Crows remember and respond to people’s faces akin to humans themselves August 27, 2013 - Updated on April 20, 2023
Animals New generation eco-friendly pesticide might work by shutting down insect reproductive system August 27, 2013
Discoveries Breakthrough could usher away silicon and make way for graphene transistors August 21, 2013
Mathematics Cited paper suggesting a ‘ratio for a good life’ exposed as nonsense by amateur psychologist August 13, 2013
Biology First artificial ‘meat’ burger, cultured in a petri dish, tasted by panel of experts August 7, 2013 - Updated on September 7, 2018
Environmental Issues Hot temperatures and tempers: climate change heat wave linked to rise in violence August 6, 2013 - Updated on November 23, 2016
Great Pics Stunning light circles over military helicopters in Afghanistan [PICS] August 2, 2013 - Updated on March 4, 2016
Home science Households can save big time by using 3D printers for common items July 30, 2013 - Updated on July 31, 2013
Mind & Brain Managers lose track of the big picture, only focus on grades and performance, not context July 30, 2013
Chemistry How we’re wasting all our precious helium. A call for recycling July 30, 2013 - Updated on May 3, 2018
Physics Earth is like a natural particle accelerator in space pushing electrons to 99.9% speed of light July 26, 2013
Psychology When the “prisoner’s dillema” is played with real prisoners: unexpected results July 24, 2013 - Updated on November 19, 2018
Biology It’s settled – Tyrannosaurus Rex hunted for live prey July 16, 2013 - Updated on February 18, 2015
Environment New evidence links fluid injected into fracking wells to significant earthquakes in the US July 12, 2013
Animals After being decapitated, flatworms not only grow back their head but also regain memories July 11, 2013
Biology Bioadhesive coating might allow insulin oral administration instead of injections July 11, 2013