Health Eating “comfort” fatty foods during stressful periods can actually make stress worse December 12, 2023
Archaeology The Great Wall of China is coated in a living substance that shields it from harm December 12, 2023
Health Does drinking Coca-Cola clear food stuck in your throat? This trick is useless, says new study December 12, 2023
News Scientists keep away recurring nightmares using sounds that trigger happy dreams December 11, 2023
News Scientist disguised as a panhandler earns twice as much money by wearing a suit (vs T-shirt and jeans) December 11, 2023
Environment More grass, less asphalt. The best recipe for trees to provide ecosystem services December 11, 2023
News The Lunar Anthropocene — a New Geological Era on the Moon? December 11, 2023 - Updated on December 23, 2023
Home science This study shows why you should probably wear an eye mask when sleeping December 9, 2023
Environment These people figured out how to talk to birds. The birds now adapt to different dialects December 7, 2023 - Updated on December 8, 2023
Future This attractive Spanish model makes over $1,000 per ad — and she’s AI generated December 6, 2023
Astronomy This rogue star traveled 10 billion years from outside the galaxy until it reached Milky Way’s heart December 5, 2023
Climate An oil executive is leading this year’s biggest climate conference. It’s not going too well December 5, 2023
News Dwarf planet on the edge of the solar system is soft and squishy, “like a slushie” December 5, 2023
Climate This year is shaping up to be the hottest one on record and we’re blowing by climate targets December 5, 2023
Biology Scientists sequence genomes of over 100 magic mushroom strains to make ‘designer shrooms’ December 4, 2023
Environment Cigarette butts cost the world $26 billion per year in environmental damage December 4, 2023
Science Africa has a terrible air pollution problem. We can’t sweep it under the rug December 4, 2023
Environment Could rice husk and newspapers create a new sustainable insulation material? December 1, 2023
News Swiping right but no matches? Why online dating algorithms are about popularity and not compatibility November 30, 2023
News Polluted air from rush-hour traffic increases blood pressure — even 24 hours later November 30, 2023
Chemistry Google AI predicts over 2 million new crystals. Is this the future of material science? November 30, 2023
Animals Dog sniffs out ‘extinct’ Golden Mole in South Africa, rediscovered after 86 years November 29, 2023
Health Not all sitting is equal: Watching TV increases depression risk by 43%, unlike desk work or driving November 28, 2023
Animals Big dogs don’t live long. This new drug may level the longevity playing field November 28, 2023
Climate The year’s biggest climate summit is in Dubai. Organizers want to use it to make oil deals November 28, 2023
Mind & Brain Does soccer heading cause measurable brain damage? This study suggests so November 28, 2023
Chemistry Explosive made by alchemists 400 years ago detonates in purple. Scientists finally know why November 28, 2023