Chemistry Tiniest U.S. flag ever appeared by accident after researchers toyed with a 2-D material March 21, 2017
Science Proposed ‘geophysical definition’ re-instates Pluto as a planet — and adds 100 new ones in the Solar System March 20, 2017 - Updated on January 31, 2020
News Shaquille O’Neal announced the Earth is flat… and we really shouldn’t care. Or should we? March 20, 2017
Animals How the water bear defies death even in the vacuum of space by wrapping its cells in glass March 20, 2017
Health A tribe living in the Bolivian rainforest has the healthiest hearts in the world March 20, 2017 - Updated on August 30, 2018
Mind & Brain Quantum mechanics may explain why some jokes are funny — and others, not so much March 20, 2017 - Updated on April 25, 2019
Climate Trump’s Defense Secretary just called climate change a “National Security Challenge” March 20, 2017
Agriculture Europeans have evolved to eat more vegetables and grains March 20, 2017 - Updated on March 22, 2017
Health Eating a lot of cheese doesn’t raise your cholesterol and is associated with lower body mass index March 20, 2017 - Updated on March 17, 2021
Biology Why we shouldn’t bring back the mammoth and other extinct animals March 20, 2017 - Updated on May 3, 2023
Animals Galapagos penguin “teenagers” still beg their parents for food, and they oblige— when there’s a lot of food March 17, 2017
News Astronomers zoom in on baby solar system only 300 light-years away that’s forcing us to rethink planetary formation March 16, 2017
Astrophysics Researchers found a supermassive black hole choking on its meal March 16, 2017 - Updated on July 5, 2017
News Swedish kids will learn programming from their first year in primary school. They’ll also learn how to spot fake news March 16, 2017
News Superconductivity breakthrough could reset Europe’s power lines and make renewable energy more competitive March 16, 2017
News Mysterious 400,000-year-old skull found in Portugal might have belonged to a Neanderthal ancestor March 16, 2017
Science If there’s any life in the Trappist-1 system it’s likely been planet-hopping, scientists say March 16, 2017
Biology Spiders eat up to 800 million tons of insects and pests a year — much more than humanity March 16, 2017
Biology World’s oldest plant-like fossils indicate we might have to rethink emergence of multicellular life March 16, 2017
Animals Guillemot chicks leap from their nest, risking life and limb, before they can even fly — and know we know why March 15, 2017 - Updated on March 16, 2017
Animals Antibiotic use kills more bees by letting in harmful bacteria March 15, 2017 - Updated on March 16, 2017
News Google tool that calculates the solar energy potential of your rooftop expands to all 50 states March 15, 2017 - Updated on March 16, 2017
News The US doesn’t want poor people: concentrated poverty rises for the first time since the ’90s March 15, 2017 - Updated on March 16, 2017
News Scientists found a way to make car tires using eggshells and tomato peels March 15, 2017 - Updated on March 16, 2017
Home science Cooking at home is cheaper, more healthy, less fattening — a major boost for nutritional sustainability March 15, 2017 - Updated on March 16, 2017
Climate How climate change is forcing some scientists to move ice from a mountain in Bolivia to Antarctica March 14, 2017
Health Epilepsy patients turning more and more to medical cannabis March 14, 2017 - Updated on February 25, 2021
Astrophysics To birth supermassive black holes in the early universe, some galaxies may have had to be sacrificed March 14, 2017 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Mind & Brain Scientists ask the public’s help in getting to the bottom of consciousness — by cracking a chess problem March 14, 2017
News Students will eat at the salad bar — all it takes is marketing and some parental help March 14, 2017
News Artificial intelligence can write classical music like a human composer. It’s the first non-human artist whose music is now copyrighted March 14, 2017 - Updated on November 13, 2018
Biology Cells nudge each other with proteins when moving to keep your body in one piece March 14, 2017
News Wind energy could generate a quarter million new jobs by 2020 in the US alone, and an economic impact of $85 billion March 14, 2017