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Want to work on NASA's software and get paid for it? You'll love this challenge

Enter the High Performance Fast Computing Challenge.

"Last African Dinosaur" discovered in Morocco mine

A new study sheds new light on one of the last living African dinosaurs, from 66 million years ago.

Speech and language deficits aren't to blame for autistic children's tantrums

Knowing what it's not brings us one step closer to understanding what it is.

Advanced 77,000-year-old Stone Age weapons found in South Africa

Things became very serious at this point.

Watch amazing footage of Cassini diving towards Saturn

It's a one in a lifetime experience.

Yoga might help ease your menstrual pain, new review of study finds

Yoga might greatly reduce menstrual pain.

People with good memory get bored faster

The reason is pretty simple.

Guess what? Homeopathy doesn't work on cows, either

I wish people would stop trying to milk homeopathy already.

Medieval Christian monks may have sped up the evolution of the modern chicken

We may have to thank Christian monks for today's chicken.

EPA removes climate science website to "reflect the priorities... of President Trump and Administrator Pruitt"

The new age of censorship.

Be careful when using heart rate apps -- most aren't accurate at all

Don't take heart rate apps too seriously, unless they've been vetted by a health care professional.

New technique extracts plastics and antioxidants on the cheap from wheat bran

Bran new.

Antarctica's Blood Falls sheds its secrets

As is often the case, more questions arose after the mystery was solved.

Each language you speak in alters your perception of time, study finds

The pen is mightier than the clock too, it seems.

Cassini heard 'the big empty' when it dived through Saturn and its rings

The song before the 'grand finale'.

Atlanta lawmakers commit the city to 100% renewable energy by 2035

Green's the best, orange's a pest!

If you want a glimpse of an ancient human ancestor, the bonobo might be the closest you'll get

Our cousin, the bonobo, has remarkably changed very little. Anatomically, they're the most similar to a common ancestor out of all the apes.

There are now more than 9.4 million people working in the renewable energy sector

According to a new report released by an environment and energy consultancy, 9.4 million people globally work in renewable energy, more than at any other point in history.

Morning glory seeds are hardy enough to survive in space, experiment reveals

Seeds -- the tiny bunkers of life.

Testosterone makes men more confident in their instincts, less likely to question their impulses

We got this.

Human cartilage has been successfully 3D printed

Making new tissue could become as easy as bio-printing it.

Patient saved from antibiotic-resistant infection with novel bacteriophage treatment

A dramatic case with a happy ending. Antibiotic resistance is growing and threatens to kill 50 million people by 2050.

Time travel is proven possible -- but we'll likely never be able to build the machine, author says

He named his machine the TARDIS -- bonus points for that.

Google is shifting their focus from Search to artificial intelligence, CEO says

There's a lot of data to be had -- and Google wants it.

Despite spending $200 million, NASA still doesn't have a new space suit and that could delay an important deep space mission

Internal auditors weren't happy with the way NASA is making new space suits.

Depressed? It might be because your neurons got their branches tangled up

Keep it tidy, neurons.

How science might settle the debate around two famous Munch and da Vinci paintings

Even centuries later, science is able to decrypt some of art's biggest controversies.

Female dragonflies play dead to fool unwanted suitors

An old trick.

Dairy has been greatly underestimated and is an "excellent" protein source for children, study finds

Pass me that milk!

EU-Funded fake news spotting tool gets better and better

A much needed tool.

Meet the future of construction: MIT prototype 3-D prints entire building

This could revolutionize how we build things both on Earth and other planets.

Turns out you can make harder-than-concrete bricks on Mars simply by compressing soil

That's surprisingly convenient.

Scientists make transparent bones to study diseases like osteoporosis

The innovative method could help millions of people who suffer from osteoporosis.

As neuroscience advances, new human right laws are required to ensure our minds remain our own

Matter over mind.

China and Europe have talks to build a 'Moon Village' together

The two are already collaborating on important science projects.

Instagram food photos can help you eat healthier

Finally, a reason to post food photos!

Elon Musk reveals that Neuralink is aimed at stopping AIs from taking over

Such a cool problem to have.

Could Oman's mountains hold the key to reversing climate change?

A billion tons of CO2 have been trapped by these mountains where the only exposed sections of the Earth's mantle are found.

Barley's full genome sequenced after decade-long research effort

A tiny plant with a lot of genes.

Not even money can sway most people to listen to counter-partisan views

Ultimately, this behavior is what creates dangerous information bubbles.

Deep groundwaters are not safe from modern pollution, study finds

Not good.

Novel technique can 3-D print intricate glass objects like a pretzel

You can apply the technique on any existing 3-D printer.

Where you shop influences how healthily you eat -- but only about half as much as who you are

All food is good. But only some of it is good for you.

Artificial womb-like environment helps premature lamb mature for 4 weeks

It could save countless severely prenatal human babies

New, cheap artificial photosynthesis scrubs the air and produces fuel

Currently only works with blue light, but they're working on fixing that.

What do marijuana and chili have in common? They both calm the gut, scientists say

The findings suggest that both foods could have a therapeutic effect against diabetes and colitis.

The last male white rhino boldly goes on Tinder to save its species

Super like.

This beekeeper's pest can actually eat plastic waste and turn it into something useful

The waxworm eats plastic faster than any other animal we know of.

Ancient carvings show comet struck Earth, triggering mini Ice Age

When you can correlate computer models of comets with carvings from 13 millennia ago -- that's got to feel good.

The story and science behind a new type of aurora called 'Steve'

That's what you get when the internet names things.