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Sadly, not very effective against emotional scars.
This doesn't mean you can't keep blaming it.
At some point, mysticetes decided to drop the hook and fish with a net. How did this all happen?
The standard of beauty should not be unhealthy.
The disease rears its ugly head again.
Get your kids a dog.
Who said you can't run from your problems?
Epic loot.
Although authorities are still on alert, the Zika epidemic seems to have backed off.
We didn't even know this kind of planet can exist.
It could remove almost all traces of pesticides, medication, and detergents.
It's not the size of the book that matters, it's how you digitize it.
On Io, the floor is basically lava.
Heavy metal in space.
They use the most advanced nanotechnology.
Show me some skin!
She's raising awareness of the plight of all orangutans.
Bad science can have dramatic consequences, so it's important to weed it out.
Not your typical junkyard story.
No code? No problem!
The common belief that cheese and dairy are bad for your heart is simply wrong, a new review of 29 previous studies found.
The dinosaur was given a rather unfair name, as it was almost certainly a peaceful vegetarian.
And exercise doesn't fix it.
One day, this robot will ride you.
Doctors? Having conflicts of interests? Can't be.
Prepare for some quantum madness.
It's hard to even to hear a bird sing.
Germany took the lead in renewable energy for one day.
Exposure to a foreign language even at a meager age of six months can stick with you well into adulthood.
In about three years from now, the LHC will receive its most powerful linear accelerator yet.
It's the corporations, man, I'm telling you!
A primitive Homo species with some surprising skills.
Color is hardwired into the brain.
Overall, life expectancy has increased in the country but not as much as it should have. The gap between many counties supports this argument.
Things are getting scarier and scarier.
Things are not looking good.
The American Dream is dying.
There's a thin line between hero and villain -- one we redraw quite liberally.
Its purpose still remains a mystery.
Talk about hailstone, right?
Stress grows the lower down the ladder you go.
With 10 billion people soon on the horizon, eating meat is out of the question.
A synthetic retina developed from soft materials offers new hope for the visually impaired.
She weighed more than 500 kilograms!
Bunch up!
Bite into this study.
The first satellites could appear in 2019.
The genes, it's all in the genes.