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Mussel-glue-and-protein balm could spell the end of scars forever

Sadly, not very effective against emotional scars.

Alcohol doesn't change our personality as much as we blame it

This doesn't mean you can't keep blaming it.

Ancient 36-million-year-old fossil helps track down how baleen whales lost their teeth

At some point, mysticetes decided to drop the hook and fish with a net. How did this all happen?

France's ban on unhealthily skinny models just came into force

The standard of beauty should not be unhealthy.

Spray-on touchscreen can turn almost anything into a sensor with a flick of the wrist


World Health Organization confirms second Ebola case in new outbreak

The disease rears its ugly head again.

Pet dogs help kids feel less stressed, new study confirms

Get your kids a dog.

Feeling down? Walk it off! No really, walking is all you have to do

Who said you can't run from your problems?

China plans to have an asteroid mining base up and running "in the near future"

Epic loot.

Brazil says Zika epidemic is officially over

Although authorities are still on alert, the Zika epidemic seems to have backed off.

Scientists find water clouds and exotic, primitive atmosphere on a "warm Neptune"

We didn't even know this kind of planet can exist.

New method can remove small, but dangerous, amounts of chemicals from freshwater

It could remove almost all traces of pesticides, medication, and detergents.

Watch the (2nd) biggest book in the world get digitized, all thanks to the British Library

It's not the size of the book that matters, it's how you digitize it.

Largest lava lake in the solar system makes massive waves

On Io, the floor is basically lava.

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy -- the most powerful rocket in the world -- is nearly ready

Heavy metal in space.

How butterflies have such a beautiful colour

They use the most advanced nanotechnology.

3D-printed bionic skin can give bots a sense of touch, protect soldiers from explosions

Show me some skin!

You can name this rescued, one-of-a-kind albino orangutan

She's raising awareness of the plight of all orangutans.

Controversial microbeads study gets withdrawn -- doesn't mean microbeads aren't bad for the environment

Bad science can have dramatic consequences, so it's important to weed it out.

Defunct dish turned into a radio telescope in Ghana with the help of Google Maps

Not your typical junkyard story.

Robot see, robot do: MIT software allows you to instruct a robot without having to code

No code? No problem!

Good news: Cheese doesn't raise your risk of heart disease

The common belief that cheese and dairy are bad for your heart is simply wrong, a new review of 29 previous studies found.

Pristine, demon-faced dinosaur is named after Zuul from ‘Ghostbusters’

The dinosaur was given a rather unfair name, as it was almost certainly a peaceful vegetarian.

Long-term exposure to mictrogravity can lower physical fitness down by half

And exercise doesn't fix it.

Parasitic robot rides turtles in exchange for lunch

One day, this robot will ride you.

Want better, cheaper health care? Pay doctors a flat salary, not per procedure, behavioral economists say

Doctors? Having conflicts of interests? Can't be.

Tiny quantum refrigerator keeps quantum computers cool by 'blinking' electrons

Prepare for some quantum madness.

U.S. National Parks are too noisy

It's hard to even to hear a bird sing.

Germany produced 85% of its electricity demand from renewable energy

Germany took the lead in renewable energy for one day.

You can still remember a foreign language even if you think it's forever forgotten

Exposure to a foreign language even at a meager age of six months can stick with you well into adulthood.

CERN celebrates completion of Liniac 4, its most powerful linear accelerator

In about three years from now, the LHC will receive its most powerful linear accelerator yet.

Public is skeptical of all research tied to a company, new study shows

It's the corporations, man, I'm telling you!

Scientists report new trove of information on Homo naledi, the newly discovered humanoid species

A primitive Homo species with some surprising skills.

Biology imparts us with instinctive color categories -- culture only shapes them

Color is hardwired into the brain.

In some U.S. counties, life expectancy can vary by as much as 20 years

Overall, life expectancy has increased in the country but not as much as it should have. The gap between many counties supports this argument.

EPA dismisses climate change scientists 'to replace them with industry reps'

Things are getting scarier and scarier.

Wild dolphins' immune systems are failing because of ocean pollution

Things are not looking good.

Economic mobility nearly halved in the United States since the 1940s

The American Dream is dying.

Our perception of a character comes not from their actions, but from how they compare to others

There's a thin line between hero and villain -- one we redraw quite liberally.

Unmanned US plane lands after two-year secret mission

Its purpose still remains a mystery.

Silica rains helped form Earth's crust four and a half billion years ago

Talk about hailstone, right?

Employees in low-level jobs are more stressed than superiors, and this imbalance follows through retirement as well

Stress grows the lower down the ladder you go.

Stephen Hawking revises his deadline for humans escaping Earth -- it's now just 100 years


Replacing half the meat we eat with edible insects could could save a third of the world's farmlands

With 10 billion people soon on the horizon, eating meat is out of the question.

Oxford student creates the first synthetic retina from soft, biological materials

A synthetic retina developed from soft materials offers new hope for the visually impaired.

World's heaviest woman drops over 300 kgs (713 Pounds) after ambitious surgery

She weighed more than 500 kilograms!

Cell maps reveal how the body fights off cancer

Bunch up!

It's not just the poor: all Americans eat fast food about as often

Bite into this study.

SpaceX will launch three times more satellites than there currently are in orbit to give you fast internet

The first satellites could appear in 2019.

Researchers find 6,500 genes expressed differently in men and women

The genes, it's all in the genes.