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AI is better than doctors at predicting how long a patient has to live

Some information is just unreadable to humans.

Hawaii to ignore Trump, stick to the Paris Agreement

Hawaii pledges to bypass the White House and stick to the Paris Agreement.

Presenting the first 2D magnet: it will allow scientists to make previously impossible experiments

This magnet is just one atom thick.

T-Rex's image as a giant, scaly, monster supported by new study

New research restores the 'traditional' image of the T-Rex, concluding that the dinosaur was, at least mostly, covered in scales.

Green living at home: a list of techs to hack your house into clean energy

If you're looking to power your home cleanly, here's a good place to start.

NASA discovers unusual deep pit on Mars' South Pole

NASA doesn't know yet what could have caused it.

Scientists got an image of a person's face just by scanning a monkey's brain

They've cracked the code!

US science teachers have many misconceptions about climate change -- just like regular Americans

It's a worrying trend.

Paleontologists find the oldest mushroom fossil

It's the first mineralized mushroom fossil we've ever found.

Another Einstein predication is confirmed by scientists: gravitational lensing measures star's mass for the 1st time

Einstein -- right again!

Even moderate drinking can damage your brain, new study finds

Please be moderate in your moderation.

New fossil proves there was life on Earth hundreds of millions of years earlier than we've though

Not your everyday find.

The plot thickens: earliest Homo Sapiens fossils discovered in Morocco suggest humans evolved more than 300,000 year ago

This discovery is poised to rewrite our species' history.

Scientists discover new iguana species in Fiji island

Pacific iguanas are currently under great threat, especially due to invasive species.

Nature's Leaning Tower of Pisa: these Cook pines always lean towards the equator

Pines in the northern hemisphere face south and southern pines always face north, conversely.

As Trump alienates the US from the rest of the world, California Gov. takes up climate talks with China

When life gives you lemons..

Ultra slim sound diffuser could greatly improve your cinema and theater experience

It does the same job, while being 10 times thinner and much cheaper.

How the Arctic Ocean turned salty

It was a turning point for the Earth's geological and climatic history.

Virtual reality out-of-body experience makes people less fearful of death

Virtual reality is not just a buzz word -- it's a real game changer.

How Ancestry Shapes Our Immune Cells

The body's defense systems are impressive.

Handwashing with hot water doesn't kill more germs than cold water. We also need surprisingly little soap

Hot water might be more comfortable but it's wasted energy when it comes to sanitizing your hands.

Endowing AI with confidence and doubt will make it more useful, paper argues

More like us, in other words.

Citizen scientists discover new cold star close to our solar system

In this day and age, everyone can be a scientist.

Mayors against Trump: 257 mayors representing 59 million Americans pledge to follow Paris Agreement

And counting...

EpiPen still expensive and critics should go "copulate with themselves," Mylan chairman thinks

But they, you know, "care about the patient" and stuff.

Archaeologists find purrfectly preserved cat paw-print in Roman tile

Cats: not giving a damn about your world since Forever.

Extinct giant tortoise is being revived after an unexpected find

It's been thought to be completely extinct for 150 years.

Scorching exoplanet is hotter than most stars. It's so hot it might even leave a trail of atomic gas like a comet

That's one hot tomato!

Lab-grown human skin might finally spell the end for animal testing

Not only that but tests could become more accurate too.

Low doses of THC can relieve stress, while high doses to the opposite

It's all about moderation, guys. Keep it down to a small buzz, researchers suggest.

Light-weight tethered exoskeleton helps you run faster and longer

You know this is serious business when it's funded by the military.

"Make our planet great again" -- The world reacts to Trump quitting the Paris Agreement

Trump to Earth: "Screw you." The Earth to Trump: "No, screw you!"

Giving babies their own room makes them sleep more, new study finds

There's still a lot of debate.

Methylene blue, a common antioxidant, could reverse some of the effects of aging in the human skin

Don't worry -- you won't turn into a Smurf.

Shape changing noodles are the future of pasta

Just add water.

Bats are attracted to green light at night

It could interfere with their migration.

Doctors urge women to not put wasp nests in their vaginas

Yes, I too sometimes fear the world is going to hell.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and Disney CEO Bob Iger resign from Trump Presidential Council after Paris Agreement withdrawal announced

You can't advise a man who doesn't want to listen.

Curiosity rover finds that its landing crater on Mars could have been habitable for 700 million years

We don't know whether Mars held life... but there's certainly a lot of potential.

Fact checking Donald Trump's speech -- most is simply wrong, some is only misleading

Fact-checking Trump should be a full-time job.

Climate change will ruin Hawaii, new study finds

America's favorite travel destination, Hawaii, is in for some nasty times.

Trump puts USA against the world, withdrawing from the Paris Agreement

To put it in Trump language: It's a big, big decision which will have bad, bad consequences. SAD!

Expedition to the deep ocean reveals myriad of bizarre creatures, including "faceless fish"

A fish has no face.

Gravitational waves observed for the third time, opening new, unexplored paths in physics

The thrilling discovery is confirmed.

US exiting from the Paris Agreement seems to harm coal more than help it

Screwing the country and the planet in an attempt to make more money... and you're not even making more money.

The most realistic peek into a cell ever

What goes on inside?

Knowing for the sake of knowing: algorithm developed to hardwire curiosity into robots

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but cats don't run on microprocessors. I think.

How tree-climbing goats keep one of Morocco's agricultural treasures growing

Goats are crazy!

Japan launches satellite to generate its own, better GPS

Positioning errors will be decreased by a factor of 100.

You’d have to run 15% faster on a treadmill to workout as hard as outside

At the end of the day, you decide which works best for you.