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Some information is just unreadable to humans.
Hawaii pledges to bypass the White House and stick to the Paris Agreement.
This magnet is just one atom thick.
New research restores the 'traditional' image of the T-Rex, concluding that the dinosaur was, at least mostly, covered in scales.
If you're looking to power your home cleanly, here's a good place to start.
NASA doesn't know yet what could have caused it.
They've cracked the code!
It's a worrying trend.
It's the first mineralized mushroom fossil we've ever found.
Einstein -- right again!
Please be moderate in your moderation.
Not your everyday find.
This discovery is poised to rewrite our species' history.
Pacific iguanas are currently under great threat, especially due to invasive species.
Pines in the northern hemisphere face south and southern pines always face north, conversely.
When life gives you lemons..
It does the same job, while being 10 times thinner and much cheaper.
It was a turning point for the Earth's geological and climatic history.
Virtual reality is not just a buzz word -- it's a real game changer.
The body's defense systems are impressive.
Hot water might be more comfortable but it's wasted energy when it comes to sanitizing your hands.
More like us, in other words.
In this day and age, everyone can be a scientist.
And counting...
But they, you know, "care about the patient" and stuff.
Cats: not giving a damn about your world since Forever.
It's been thought to be completely extinct for 150 years.
That's one hot tomato!
Not only that but tests could become more accurate too.
It's all about moderation, guys. Keep it down to a small buzz, researchers suggest.
You know this is serious business when it's funded by the military.
Trump to Earth: "Screw you." The Earth to Trump: "No, screw you!"
There's still a lot of debate.
Don't worry -- you won't turn into a Smurf.
Just add water.
It could interfere with their migration.
Yes, I too sometimes fear the world is going to hell.
You can't advise a man who doesn't want to listen.
We don't know whether Mars held life... but there's certainly a lot of potential.
Fact-checking Trump should be a full-time job.
America's favorite travel destination, Hawaii, is in for some nasty times.
To put it in Trump language: It's a big, big decision which will have bad, bad consequences. SAD!
A fish has no face.
The thrilling discovery is confirmed.
Screwing the country and the planet in an attempt to make more money... and you're not even making more money.
What goes on inside?
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but cats don't run on microprocessors. I think.
Goats are crazy!
Positioning errors will be decreased by a factor of 100.
At the end of the day, you decide which works best for you.