Environmental Issues Trump Forest wants to compensate for the POTUS’ climate policy by planting 100 new billion trees August 16, 2017
Agriculture Fish farming could cover our demand for seafood one hundred times over, paper estimates August 16, 2017
Agriculture Popular pesticides are killing of bumblebees by preventing them from laying eggs August 16, 2017
Geology New tectonic plate discovered off the cost of Ecuador August 16, 2017 - Updated on September 21, 2023
News Nanotech makes solar panels literally green, hopefully making them more appealing August 15, 2017
Home science Chicago tree map reveals intriguing pattern: trees seem to reduce crime rate August 15, 2017
Environment Scientists find 91 new volcanoes miles beneath Antarctica’s thick ice sheet August 15, 2017 - Updated on February 14, 2024
Environment Pakistan just planted one billion trees to tackle deforestation and climate change August 15, 2017 - Updated on May 4, 2020
Computer Science & IT A history of how computers went from stealing your heart, to stealing your job August 14, 2017 - Updated on May 4, 2023
Climate Why sea levels around Finland and Sweden are dropping while the rest of the world is drowning August 14, 2017 - Updated on August 15, 2017
News Elon Musk’s AI just beat the pros at Dota 2 — one of the most popular and complex computer games August 14, 2017
Culture & Society Chocolate files: from the early days to today’s dark pleasure August 13, 2017 - Updated on May 4, 2023
Science Chimpanzees can master circular relationships, rock-paper-scissors about as fast as a 4-year-old August 10, 2017
Mind & Brain Scientists poke at the root of our need for personal space — using fruit flies August 10, 2017
Anthropology Tiny, fossilized ape skull brings us closer to the common human-ape ancestor, fuels debate over humanity’s place of birth August 10, 2017
News Dinosaur discovered in Patagonia back in 2012 is the biggest animal to ever walk the Earth August 9, 2017 - Updated on August 24, 2023
Health Loneliness might become a deadlier public health threat than obesity, researchers warn August 8, 2017
Health Not all video games are equal: some hurt your brain while others improve cognition August 8, 2017
Anthropology Modern humans might’ve killed off the Neanderthals by eating all the mammoth August 8, 2017
Animals Newly identifed 500-million-year old ancient worm had 50 spines bulging from its head August 8, 2017
Animals A trapdoor spider rafted all the way from Africa to Australia August 7, 2017 - Updated on May 24, 2023
News Couples who spend more than $20k on engagement rings and weddings are 3.5x likelier to divorce August 7, 2017 - Updated on March 23, 2020
News Excel spreadsheets might be ruining science for everyone August 7, 2017 - Updated on August 8, 2017
Science We’re made of stardust, but heavier elements are made of black-hole-and-neutron-star dust August 7, 2017 - Updated on August 8, 2017
News Scientist publishes algebra paper in which he blames flawed postdoc system for his friend’s suicide August 7, 2017 - Updated on August 8, 2017
Science By 2100, hundreds of thousands of EU nationals will bake to death each year with only 3 degrees global warming August 7, 2017 - Updated on August 8, 2017
Animals Using flies to find the animals that live in a tropical forest August 7, 2017 - Updated on August 8, 2017
Animals Two butterflies thought to be different species are actually the same one August 7, 2017 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Biology Big, armoured dinosaur might have used camouflage to avoid predators August 4, 2017 - Updated on August 24, 2023
News Overweight Asian Americans seen as “more American” than their thinner counterparts August 4, 2017 - Updated on August 7, 2017