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The northern lights might be a brilliant spectacle for some, but they spelled doom for some unfortunate sperm whales.
The abnormal seems to have become normal in the White House.
"It's amazing no-one had thought of it before," said one of the scientists involved.
If you thought Harvey was bad, Irma promises to be even worse.
If we want to save the planet, we need to keep it diverse.
Everything is bigger in Texas -- floods and pollution included.
Gene variants linked to Alzheimer's or heavy smoking are being gradually weeded out by natural selection.
Moderation is key.
You could say she... manurefactures them.
It will shine three times brighter than Mars in the night's sky. It might also cause an unpleasant stir in the Oort cloud...
A popular Japanese flower was used to demonstrate the power of CRISPR.
How is 8AM school time still a thing?
I spy, with my little thousand eyes...
If confirmed, this could indicate a remarkable progress in modern physics.
Soon to be the ex-largest inland lake on Earth.
We can't deduce everything, but we can deduce A LOT.
Neanderthals were far more complex than meets the eye.
We will be able to see the very fabric of the world make and break.
A unique place is in danger. Here's how to pitch in.
Otters are copycats.
There's also some bad news...
This year is shaping up as SpaceX's best one yet.
You know how you call alternative medicine that works? Medicine.
It's like spinning gold from straw.
Zap the cancer away.
From fallen leaves to hi-tech electronics.
Scientists are now desperately seeking government approval for the 2019 clinical trial.
A new study overturns a classic textbook theory.
It could start a self-reinforcing loop.
The best part? The spiders themselves produce it.
A huge elephant used to roam the Middle East up to 300,000 years ago.
It's the stuff of nightmares.
An unexpected archaeological finding confirms devastation at the hand of an ancient tsunami.
Thieves plundered the cave, but they left researchers a bone.
Shared custody seems to be less taxing than growing up with a single parent.
It's ridiculous how many times I've yawned writing this.
The mysterious high-energy signals are unaccounted for. Alien technology is not excluded.
Perhaps we just give social media too much credit.
Sure, we think chimps are clever -- but never as clever as us.
It's had hours upon hours of simulation training to learn the basics.
It's an exciting and intriguing find.
How baleen whale's filter combs appeared is still an intriguing mystery.
Researchers have been suggesting this for decades.
Canaanites were flourishingly pagan before Joshua came in.
Being lonely makes you more desperate.
We're literally eating the viability of tomorrow's oceans.
It's all about passing on your genes.
People love surprises and music is no exception.
It's high time we do something to protect them.
We've found it, but we may soon lose it again to hunting.