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Living in a sterile, controlled environment make lab mice not such a good model for human diseases.
Can you guess which room in the house has the most diverse bug community?
Each of the two belts surrounds the Earth in a sort of doughnut-shaped formation.
For once, something that tastes good is actually healthy for you.
It also showcases how powerful computer simulations can be in fighting viruses.
A new GMO crop could help millions with micronutrient deficiencies.
Good news from Italy!
Until now, we didn't know if the two greeted with a handshake or a bloodbath.
Hello sir, it is me, the Nigerian prince.
Put that glass down, researchers warn.
Nature can be brutal.
Dinosaurs had a 9/10 chance they'd make it -- but they drew the short straw.
The project wouldn't have been possible without the support of local communities.
Thankfully, nobody was hurt.
Cat allergens reduce the incidence of asthma in newborns by a factor of two.
New Zealand is one of the greenest countries on the planet, but they still have a lot of work to do.
Growing strong!
An Advil and Tylenol cocktail might be just as strong as opioids in dealing with the pain.
It was very different from modern living otters.
The boy was given a new chance at life.
A unique astronomical event is leaving many scientists scratching their heads.
This study was able to keep the viruses working on bacteria for three months.
It's supposed to be one of the first galaxies.
Too big for a planet, too small for a star.
Taking a look at's surprisingly fun new feature.
Sheep may be much smarter than we give them credit for.
Researchers are encouraged to publish null results. Science needs them just as much as positive findings.
In a way, we're all the descendants of these rats.
Life's always greener on the other side. Even if that's the ocean.
Shortly after the therapy, the aged cells started dividing and had longer telomeres.
Their mission is to reduce mosquito populations.
Humans aren't the only ones.
Trump's US is the only country who doesn't want the Paris Agreement.
The findings could have important consequences for the prospect of finding alien life there.
Ah yes. The dreaded brain fart comes under scrutiny.
The basis of any civilized society.
Who doesn't love a good meal?
The extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs left many empty niches for the mammals' taking.
This could have a big impact on our lives.
It would be funny if it wouldn't be sad.
Unfortunately, it seems like this administration is hellbent on making the EPA an anti-scientific, destructive organization.
It's almost like the current government is building its own alternate reality.
It was around just 2.6 billion years after the Big Bang.
Zoom in on that license plate. Yes, I see it clearly now...
Scientists were afraid this could lead to a planetary-bomb but, luckily, there's nothing to worry about.
The tiny spheres could boost our solar panels, telescopes, and might even lead to new cloaking devices!
The warmer temperatures seen in latter years helped keep its size in check.
T. Rex's forearms don't look that clumsy anymore.
Earth's average surface air temperature droppped by as much as a staggering 26 degrees Celsius.
This is no time to pat ourselves on the back, researchers warn.