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Atmospheric methane on Mars changes with the seasons -- and we don't really know why

We don't want to say there's life on Mars... but there could be life on Mars.

Researchers measure the interior of two stars, find our models weren't quite right

Not everything is as we believed in the core of these hot bodies.

Supermassive black holes eventually stop star formation

Supermassive black holes slowly eject cold gas.

Humans and sharks last shared a common ancestor 440 million years ago

The sole fossil specimen of its species teach us a lot about an ancient lineage.

No, chocolate isn't going extinct in 40 years -- but we are set for a crisis

Things are bad, but they're not this bad.

Millennials demand perfection from themselves and each other, hurting their mental health

Strong societal pressure teaches younger generations that nothing less than perfection is acceptable.

A type 2 diabetes drug might treat Alzheimer's

A three-agent drug used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus shows significant results in memory and learning skills in aging mice suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Autism rates have plateaued in U.S. children since 2014

We don't know exactly why.

This amazing rainbow peacock spider might inspire the optical technology of tomorrow

This cute fellow has unique nanoscale structures that break light like a prism.

Plants actively gauge their competition and switch strategies to one-up them

We all have to make ends meet. Even plants.

Astronauts identify microbes in space for the first time

We really do contaminate everything we touch -- and space is no exception.

Speed breeding LED technique grows food six times faster than conventional farming

A welcomed solution to our growing food problems.

Some people can really tell if you look sick, new study reports

How good are you at detecting diseased people?

Male contraceptive rub-on gel trial starts in 2018

The rub-on gel contains two hormones: progestin and synthetic testosterone.

Not so dry after all: Mars lost much of its water to the crust

Mars might be abundant in water. The problem is its trapped in minerals inside the planet's crust.

Regardless of culture or country, people make more babies during the holidays

Ehehehehehe. Happy holidays, everyone.

Warming climate linked to more, bigger volcanic eruptions

It might take a while though before the effects settle in.

In the Pisces constellation, one star is busy devouring its own planetary offspring

Giving "family dinner" a whole new meaning.

Mitochondria in the brain changed by cocaine use -- the findings could help us better fight addictions

Maybe other drugs have similar effects.

Exercising improves nicotine withdrawal symptoms, helps to quit smoking

If you want to quit smoking, you should definitely try physical exercise more.

Elon Musk shows off Falcon Heavy one month before its maiden flight

The stunning pictures capture the might of the soon-to-be 'most powerful rocket' in operation.

Chimps and children as young as six will try to witness antisocial behavior being punished

We're hardwired with compassion, but also ruthlessness.

Vets caution dog owners about chocolate poisoning spike around Christmas

Chocolate can be very dangerous for dogs.

Air pollution is now the biggest killer in Africa

Air pollution kills twice as many Africans as HIV/AIDS.

Snake fungal disease could be a global threat, much bigger than we thought

"This really is the worst-case scenario," said one scientist.

Internet searchers reveal people's favorite Christmas spirit

Brandy, it turns out, is the most popular Christmas drink -- at least in the UK.

How CRISPR gene editing is poised to change everything from medicine to ecosystems

CRISPR could be a massive game changer.

The earliest life forms could be these 3.5-billion-year-old microbes

The amazing discovery suggests that alien life might actually be common.

Woman gives birth to 'snowbaby' who was frozen as embryo for 24 years

Technically, the baby is older than its mother by one year.

Illegal orchid trafficking is largely ignored, and may lead to major conservation consequences

Things can get really bad if we don't take action.

Wine glasses have gotten 7 times bigger since the 1700s, new study concludes

We've been drinking more and more wine along the years.

Medical cannabis helps one third of chronic pain patients quit prescription opioid drugs

Herb could prove a worthy ally in our fight against opioid drugs.

Riches make your happiness about yourself, a tight budget makes it about others

Ironically, if you don't make enough € you probably have more pressing concerns than making art.

Human touch can feel molecule-thin differences, according to new study

Receptors in our ligaments, knuckles, wrist, elbow, and shoulder likely also play a part in our sense of touch.

Warm rock beneath New England hints of upcoming volcanic eruption millions of years from now

New England residents shouldn't panic, though. There won't be a volcanic eruption in their backyard anytime too soon.

How this online project is building the largest popular science collection, together with your help

Thousands of curates links on the most interesting science.

Norway to become the first country to switch away from FM radio

Old-school radio is getting a revamp.

Scientists find primitive 3.5-million-year old bear with a sweet tooth for berries

Oral infections have a long evolutionary history in bears.

Geologists discover ancient meteorite on the Isle of Skye, in Scotland

Even though the isle was studied extensively, the structures were buried beneath a murky swamp which likely dissuaded previous efforts.

"Exceptional" mammoth skeleton sold for over half a million dollars in France

He's fat AND big boned. Well, was. Now he's just big boned.

Trump administration bans the CDC from using words like "science-based," "vulnerable," or "diversity"

Science? Evidence? Diversity? Those are all banned!

Space radiation might cause bone loss in astronauts

Radiation amplifies the bone loss incurred from weightlessness.

Old-growth forests offer safe haven to bird species struggling with climate change

They're really nice cool places for raising baby birds -- or fo rest!

Ketamine rapidly reduces suicidal thoughts, positive effects linger on for at least six weeks

Besides rapidly reducing depression symptoms, ketamine seems to keep suicidal thoughts at bay as well.

Mulgaras emerge in Australia's south-west after over a century of being considered extinct


17 Pictures that will make you want to become a Geologist

Geology just rocks!

Japanese monkeys are apparently having sexual intercourse with deer

Nature gets pretty weird sometimes.

Glowing plants imbued with firefly enzymes might one day replace lamps

A bright idea!

Family from Italy can't feel physical pain because of genetic mutation

This discovery might lead to a new type of painkillers.

Functional hydrogen-boron fusion could be here "within the next decade", powered by huge lasers

Stable fusion is the holy grail of energy production.