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...I want one too.
If there's one thing this study shows, it's that butterflies are survivors.
It was huge, and we might have missed it completely!
This new study -- it's really cool.
A unique cosmic stone challenges what we know about how the solar system formed.
If you think you might have a problem, you'll want to read on.
Talk about an advanced pick-up technique!
The city's imaginary but the science is very real.
Oil machinery stresses birds, leading to fewer eggs and weaker hatchlings.
The astronaut apologized for the 'fake news'.
Everyone's gotta eat!
The new method doesn't rely on donor muscle tissue unlike previous methods.
The most common painkiller in the world can cause trouble in men when taken for more than two weeks.
India was into astrophysics before it was cool.
This is likely not our first brush with alien life.
The secret is to exercise five times a week in a diversified way.
And it will quench your thirst!
She's 67 years old.
As always, prepare for weirdness.
Scientists have identified yet another unexpected consequence of climate change.
Who said NASA can't bling?!
Researchers discovered a consistent link between sleep irregularity and repetitive negative thinking.
Star can be capricious but understanding their mood swings is definitely worth it.
The intriguing moon Titan just became even more interesting.
The plan is to use them to find tumors and other places of interest.
Just like there's an internet, there's also an interbrain -- except this one is more complex.
Smell seems to be the easiest way to hack a brain.
The virus could have been infecting people for thousands of years.
We explain some of the most sought-after diets of the year.
The oceans will be the less without them.
A trifecta consisting of a lunar probe, lander, and rover will be deployed for this purpose.
The eyes can also be a window into a person's health.
The hand prosthesis can sense if objects are soft or hard.
Oh, how modern technology spoils us.
The new generation of robots is softer and gentler.
Sometimes, international collaboration can do wonders!
This could be a game changer.
Tell me what you drive and I'll tell you who you'll vote for.
It like normal water, but worse. 40 $ please.
An alcohol metabolite, acetaldehyde, caused significant DNA alterations in mice stem cells.
Bonobos are surprisingly human-like, but this is where things start to diverge.
The viral infections share many symptoms but the flu can be a lot worse. Deadly worse.
It seems to depict the creation of the heavens and earth.
Genome sequencing of infant found in Alaska reveals new Native American Population
Doesn't hurt to stay under a roof while it happens, though.
If you want to create a functioning metalens, you need to design a maze for light.
We don't want to say there's life on Mars... but there could be life on Mars.
Not everything is as we believed in the core of these hot bodies.
Supermassive black holes slowly eject cold gas.
The sole fossil specimen of its species teach us a lot about an ancient lineage.