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Fluffy robot duck plans to befriend and comfort children with cancer

...I want one too.

Rare, delicate fossils show butterflies emerged before flowers did

If there's one thing this study shows, it's that butterflies are survivors.

Little-known 2012 volcanic eruption was actually the largest in over a century, new data shows

It was huge, and we might have missed it completely!

Scientists supercool water without freezing it

This new study -- it's really cool.

Strange interstellar stone discovered in Egypt is like nothing else found in the solar system

A unique cosmic stone challenges what we know about how the solar system formed.

Ever wondered if you have a drinking problem? This online, science-based tool can help

If you think you might have a problem, you'll want to read on.

Black really is the sexiest color -- at least if you're a paradise bird

Talk about an advanced pick-up technique!

Scientists turn to the troubled streets of Gotham to understand community resilience

The city's imaginary but the science is very real.

Oil and gas noise pollution hinders bird reproduction

Oil machinery stresses birds, leading to fewer eggs and weaker hatchlings.

Japanese astronaut didn't actually grow 3½" taller after only three weeks in space [UPDATE]

The astronaut apologized for the 'fake news'.

Researchers close in on the reactions which fed the first life on Earth

Everyone's gotta eat!

Scientists grow functioning human muscles from skin cells

The new method doesn't rely on donor muscle tissue unlike previous methods.

Ibuprofen long-term use linked to infertility in men

The most common painkiller in the world can cause trouble in men when taken for more than two weeks.

Millenniums-old rock art in India could be humanity's first record of a supernova

India was into astrophysics before it was cool.

What Curiosity found on Mars are probably just crystals -- not fossils

This is likely not our first brush with alien life.

Constant physical exercise reverses damage done to the heart by aging and sedentary lifestyle

The secret is to exercise five times a week in a diversified way.

New eco-friendly AC uses only water to cool down air, saves on the energy bill to boot

And it will quench your thirst!

The world's oldest bird is a proud mama yet again

She's 67 years old.

Physicists catch a glimpse of four spatial dimensions with quantum mechanics experiments

As always, prepare for weirdness.

Melting ice is causing the ocean to sink, worrying new study reports

Scientists have identified yet another unexpected consequence of climate change.

NASA readies to launch the first half of GOLD-ICON to understand Earth's outer boundary

Who said NASA can't bling?!

Sleep deprivation and irregular sleep patterns are linked to anxiety and depression

Researchers discovered a consistent link between sleep irregularity and repetitive negative thinking.

Nearby star is like a 'Rosetta Stone' for understanding the sun's cycles and variability

Star can be capricious but understanding their mood swings is definitely worth it.

First topographic map of Titan reveals surprisingly Earth-like features

The intriguing moon Titan just became even more interesting.

Scientists engineer air-filled bacteria they can track wiggling inside you with sound

The plan is to use them to find tumors and other places of interest.

Scientist explains why we get 'gut feelings'

Just like there's an internet, there's also an interbrain -- except this one is more complex.

Smelling your partner's shirt will reduce stress, but a stranger's will wind you up more

Smell seems to be the easiest way to hack a brain.

Medieval mummy shows people have been infected with hepatitis B at least for centuries

The virus could have been infecting people for thousands of years.

The top diets of the year, ranked and explained

We explain some of the most sought-after diets of the year.

The death knell already sounded for coral reefs, it's time to save anything we can

The oceans will be the less without them.

China will grow potatoes on the dark side of the moon by the end of the year

A trifecta consisting of a lunar probe, lander, and rover will be deployed for this purpose.

Artificial Intelligence can tell you your blood pressure, age, and smoking status -- just by looking at your eye

The eyes can also be a window into a person's health.

Researchers fit Italian woman with futuristic, bionic hand

The hand prosthesis can sense if objects are soft or hard.

Thailand's going crazy over penis whitening, with over 100 customers queuing up every month

Oh, how modern technology spoils us.

New "soft robots" are strong enough to lift heavy weights, delicate enough to pluck a raspberry

The new generation of robots is softer and gentler.

NASA finds first direct proof that Ozone hole is recovering following chemical ban

Sometimes, international collaboration can do wonders!

WHO approves a safe, inexpensive, effective typhoid vaccine

This could be a game changer.

AI determines whether a neighborhood will vote Republican or Democrat based on pickup truck density

Tell me what you drive and I'll tell you who you'll vote for.

Raw water is the latest 2018 craze -- and it's absolutely stupid

It like normal water, but worse. 40 $ please.

Alcohol byproduct causes DNA mutations that might lead to cancer

An alcohol metabolite, acetaldehyde, caused significant DNA  alterations in mice stem cells.

Unlike humans, bonobos prefer jerks

Bonobos are surprisingly human-like, but this is where things start to diverge.

How to spot the difference between a cold and the flu

The viral infections share many symptoms but the flu can be a lot worse. Deadly worse.

Stone shrine discovered inside Mexican volcano depicts mythical Aztec universe

It seems to depict the creation of the heavens and earth.

Infant skeleton sheds new light on early Native American populations

Genome sequencing of infant found in Alaska reveals new Native American Population

Chinese space station will come crashing down in March, but it probably won't hit anyone

Doesn't hurt to stay under a roof while it happens, though.

New, revolutionary metalens focuses entire visible spectrum into a single point

If you want to create a functioning metalens, you need to design a maze for light.

Atmospheric methane on Mars changes with the seasons -- and we don't really know why

We don't want to say there's life on Mars... but there could be life on Mars.

Researchers measure the interior of two stars, find our models weren't quite right

Not everything is as we believed in the core of these hot bodies.

Supermassive black holes eventually stop star formation

Supermassive black holes slowly eject cold gas.

Humans and sharks last shared a common ancestor 440 million years ago

The sole fossil specimen of its species teach us a lot about an ancient lineage.