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Google AI dabbles in writing Wikipedia articles

Would you trust Wiki written by a robot?

Alcohol is THE most important preventable factor for dementia

Put that glass down, It's not good for you.

External temperature also influences our circadian rhythms, study reports

It's not just low light that makes us sleepy.

How bats don't get sick despite carrying the highest number of viruses

It's the most disease-infested mammal in the world but yet bats not only survive, they thrive. What's their secret?

NASA could have an orbiting moon base by 2023

It's like an ISS, but for the Moon!

Soft, eel-inspired device can produce up to 110 volts

From electric creatures to better pacemakers and even prosthetics.

Antidepressants do work, largest ever analysis suggests

It's the biggest antidepressant review, and it has encouraging conclusions.

Most distant supernova reveals its secrets to scientists

A cosmic record breaker.

[WATCH] Some ignorant human trying to stop a door-opening robot dog

Boston Dynamics' SpotMini takes a beating -- but went through either way.

Jymmin combines working out with music, makes people feel less pain

Scientists paired music composition software with sensors attached to the fitness machines.

Alcohol might lead to postsexual regret more than ecstasy or marijuana

Men experienced sexual dysfunction when consuming alcohol or taking molly, while women had problems when smoking pot.

Prehistoric wine discovered in inaccessible caves forces a rethink of ancient Sicilian culture

Prehistoric booze.

Plants' climate-compensation systems will be overwhelmed by climate change

Climate change could cause an ecological break-down.

Incredible farm in Michigan becomes the world's second 'Living Building'

Can I rent a room?

Neptune's Great Dark Spot is also shrinking

Another one bites the dust.

In the future, we could be all snacking on jellyfish chips

Don't be so quick to say no.

This fun online game lets you play a propaganda master -- and it's a fake news vaccine

Sowing #fear and #disiniformation has never been this educative!

Which is better: low-fat or low-carb? Neither option is superior, says new weight-loss research

It really depends a lot on your body.

Can We Outsmart The Smartest Virus On The Planet?

It's not as simple as you'd think.

Three Old Scientific Concepts Getting a Modern Look

The ancients often got it wrong about science -- but they weren't that far off.

Drinking two glasses of wine a day, keeps premature death away

A study found moderately drinking wine lowered risk of premature death more than exercising.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot might disappear within 20 years

Jupiter's emblematic feature might disappear in a decade or two.

Google AI can now look at your retina and predict the risk of heart disease

After analyzing data from over a quarter million patients, the neural network can predict the patient's age (within a 4-year range), gender, smoking status, blood pressure, body mass index, and risk of cardiovascular disease.

TV shows such as Gray's Anatomy distort our expectations of trauma care

Grey's Anatomy was a really good show, but it's still just a show.

Plants colonized the land 500 million years ago -- much earlier than we thought

Plants might have moved on to the land 100 million years earlier than we thought.

The aliens are coming -- up to 16% of all species have invasion potential

Invasive alien species are one of the largest threats to biodiversity.

Tokyo announces plan to build 350-meter skyscraper made from wood

A breathtaking, wood-based skyscraper.

The mysterious deep-sea Dumbo octopus hatchlings look just like adults [with video]

These hatchlings emerge fully-formed, ready to take on the world from day one.b

Scientists discover how ketamine is so good against depression

The team believed that ketamine affected a small part of the brain, called the lateral habenula, also known as the “anti–reward center.”

Using rocks for farming could improve soil quality, reduce CO2 emissions

The practice could reduce the need for pesticides, improve soil quality, and absorb carbon dioxide.

An almost indestructible houseplant uses deception to get pollinated

It pretends to be a fungus.

What Can Quartz Crystals Really Do?

Quartz is cherished for its properties, but I'm not talking about magic.

Scientists find hidden artwork beneath one of Picasso's 'Blue Period' paintings

Secrets don't stay buried for long in the face of science.

Scientists breed first sheep-human hybrid -- but there's no reason to freak out

The goal is to ultimately harvest organs for transplant in human patients.

Newly-developed 3D printing method uses cells, biomolecules to recreate tissues

The day when you can download and 3D print a sandwich inch ever closer.

Women who regularly use cleaning supplies risk lung damage, study shows

There were no significant differences in the decline of lung function between men who worked in the cleaning business and non-cleaning men.

How Roman priests walked through the "Gates to Hell" -- and came back

Modern science explains how an ancient ritual worked.

New objective blood test could diagnose autism in children

The test could be a game changer for identifying autism.

Trafficking routes for pangolins have been uncovered in Western Africa

Traders are avoiding law enforcement by going across remote forest borders.

Geologists listen to volcanic murmur to predict eruptions

Listen closely, and the volcano will share its secrets.

For the first time, scientists directly observe how Northern Lights are formed

Shedding light on the Northern Lights.

Physicists create a new form of light by binding photons

"It's very uncharted territory," the researchers explained.

Coffee farming "can be a win-win for birds and farmers", paper finds

It will keep you civil on a Monday morning and keep some bird species happy -- it's coffee!

Elon Musk's Roadster will most likely crash into Earth or Venus millions of years from now

Radiation might destroy the car long before that happens, though.

Copper-coated uniforms for medical staff could help shred bacteria in hospitals

It's a pretty metal solution.

Man-made: we've domesticated our own species

Does this make us pets?

A China-sized dark vortex that smells like farts is slowly fading away on Neptune

Good thing Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.

Australian fire beetles have built-in heat sensors to avoid hot wood

Bring the heat!

Borneo has lost nearly 150,000 orangutans since 1999

They're resilient and they can make a recovery, if we just cut down on the palm oil.

NASA is taking a Martian meteorite back home -- for calibration purposes

The meteorite will be used in NASA's ambitious Mars 2020 mission.