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Its wider than a football field.
Easily disgusted? Well... that might say about your ideology.
Experts say children's finger muscles have to be exercised by playing with real toys.
Sitting isn't good for our health. But neither is standing. The solution lies somewhere in the middle.
Modulating a cocaine pathway dramatically reduced heart damage in mice on cocaine.
Unlike apps, happiness doesn't seem to come through your phone.
This will make electric car drivers in Siberia very happy.
Flares like this one are powerful enough to turn the planet into a hellscape.
The idea that coffee is good for you is not a new one.
We understand that some might see this as a political issue and might dislike scientific input on the matter. However, science is non-partisan. It simply presents conclusions drawn from thorough research -- whether we like those conclusions or not.
Biological age is not the same as chronological age.
The research could inspire a novel class of microelectronics based on DNA.
The findings only carry for one specific type of hearing loss.
Scientists discovered that having children significantly shortened telomeres (genetic markers of aging).
Life, as they say, finds a way.
An exciting research catches fat cells migrating by themselves for the first time.
What's good for your heart is also good for your mind, science shows.
No fat shaming in physics!
Being science, 'cool' here refers to temperatures.
Beech trees' range has expanded dramatically, suffocating birch of maple trees.
We hope this vault will never be needed. But just in case...
Not bad for one gene.
About 1 in 15 athletes were injured and scanned.
A rare and beautiful view of Jupiter from a novel angle.
People who buy guns for self-defense often end up doing more damage, especially if they don't store their guns properly.
An adorable monkey's 'ekks' and 'tsiks' might teach how speech evolved.
That's a lot of fishing.
Please adopt me I wanna be part of this!
It was like the tumor “sat like a head on top of another head,” doctors recalled.
Instead of the domesticated horses deriving from today's wild horses, it's the other way around.
Human speech may have been born out of cave art.
Neanderthals were thinkers and artists, just like humans, tantalizing new research suggests.
Would you trust Wiki written by a robot?
Put that glass down, It's not good for you.
It's not just low light that makes us sleepy.
It's the most disease-infested mammal in the world but yet bats not only survive, they thrive. What's their secret?
It's like an ISS, but for the Moon!
From electric creatures to better pacemakers and even prosthetics.
It's the biggest antidepressant review, and it has encouraging conclusions.
A cosmic record breaker.
Boston Dynamics' SpotMini takes a beating -- but went through either way.
Scientists paired music composition software with sensors attached to the fitness machines.
Men experienced sexual dysfunction when consuming alcohol or taking molly, while women had problems when smoking pot.
Prehistoric booze.
Climate change could cause an ecological break-down.
Can I rent a room?
Another one bites the dust.
Don't be so quick to say no.
Sowing #fear and #disiniformation has never been this educative!
It really depends a lot on your body.