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The ban was applauded by many, but also contested by some.
Ever wondered where the water you drink truly comes from?
A story of royalty and overpriced healthcare.
An amazing rescue story.
Not all dino teeth are made the same...
A wolf in sheep's clothing.
It's one of the biggest and rarest eggs in the world, and it was mislabeled for decades.
It's like a Vantablack planet!
It's quite possibly one of the most massive objects in the universe.
Australia is set to exceed a target the Federal Government said was impossible to reach by 2020.
An amazing and dangerous encounter between humans and an ice age species was trapped in fossilized mud.
Ancient burial could tell us a lot about human-animal relationships.
'Spooky action at a distance' is approaching the human scale.
An incredibly fruitful mission sheds new secrets about the Milky Way.
It should basically be called Arctic sea plastic by now.
Spoiler alert: it was pretty good.
Not something you get to see every day.
The weapons were used in hand-to-hand combat or to kill prisoners.
The Mediterranean, one of Europe's most beautiful areas, will bear the brunt of the damage.
The future is here, and it's knocking on our doors.
Don't mind me, just borrowing some genes to make gravity-sensing crystals. Sorry, what?
It was the most complex penis transplant ever performed.
The average age of the American entrepreneur is 42.
Literally out of this world.
"You can hack electronics, but you can't hack physics," says lead author Areg Danagoulian.
The planet's climate system is even more complicated than we thought.
First whole-body CT scan of a minke whale yields insights on whale communication
A new study brings new hope for liver cancer therapy.
Forget the double-helix for a second -- there are other, more interesting DNA structures out there.
A genetic journey.
An astronaut in the midst of Uranus' top clouds would be able to smell a rotten egg-like stench -- if he didn't die first.
Well if it sounds like a human and walks like a human...
Climate change is already taking a massive toll
You can't cheat reducing your sugar intake.
Everybody should try to stay well hydrated -- seniors more so than others.
Healthy, happy workers are productive workers.
When power runs low, neurons start going haywire.
Yum or yuck?
Is there anything AI won't touch?
Many of the alleged benefits of probiotics have not been proven, but scientists are finding some promise.
Exercising is almost never bad for you.
Our go-to list.
The ecological niche for giant trees like Redwoods could grow by a staggering 4 million square kilometers.
Which is a pity, because they save us a lot of money.
A giant mystery has been solved.
BMI can be a misleading metric when it comes to obesity.
Talk about a special mind.
At this rate, in a few centuries, the world's largest mammal could be the domestic cow.
Such adaptations could form the evolutionary roots of human warfare.
Ancient brain surgery -- now here's something I'd never have to say.