Environment Broadband equipment could be used to study faults and other geological features July 3, 2018
News Tiny, new-generation robot can walk on land, water, or swim — while being downright adorable July 3, 2018
News Uranus may have collided with a cosmic body twice the size of Earth, explaining its unusual tilt July 3, 2018
Environment The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was 8 years ago. The ocean is still struggling to recover July 3, 2018
Animals Owls perceive moving objects like we do, suggesting bird and human vision are quite similar July 2, 2018
Geology Hawaii Authorities: Please don’t swim near erupting volcano July 2, 2018 - Updated on February 22, 2019
Diseases Air pollution seems to promote diabetes — even at officially ‘safe’ pollution levels July 2, 2018
Biology The world’s first animals also caused the first global warming event — but it took 100 million years July 2, 2018
Mind & Brain Scientists mapped how many places we spend our lives in — and the number is pretty small June 29, 2018
Animals Indiana’s health officials warn of West Nile virus spotted in mosquitoes in Elkhart, Carroll County June 29, 2018
Health Researchers use machine learning algorithm to detect low blood pressure during surgery June 28, 2018
Diseases Congo’s Ebola outbreak is likely over, official confirmation to come in 21 days June 28, 2018
News “Conservative syndrome” might explain why religious people tend to be of lower intelligence June 28, 2018 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Biology Denying cancer cells one key amino acid might destroy treatment-resistant tumors June 28, 2018
Health Coffee consumption might actually protect your heart, new study concludes June 28, 2018 - Updated on February 7, 2019
News Enceladus “the only body besides Earth to satisfy all of the basic requirements for life,” Cassini reveals June 28, 2018
Environment UNESCO takes the Belize Barrier Reef off the endangered sites list thanks to conservation efforts June 27, 2018
Environment Barents Sea just crossed a climate tipping point — and we watched it happen June 27, 2018
Chemistry An AI recreated the periodic table from scratch — in a couple of hours June 27, 2018 - Updated on June 28, 2018
Biology Life went multi-cellular to spread kids around more easily, new research suggests June 26, 2018 - Updated on September 14, 2023
Health Scientists find new therapeutic targets that block as much as 99.5% of cancer metastasis in living cells June 26, 2018
Climate The coldest temperature on Earth has been updated — and it’s ungodly low June 26, 2018 - Updated on January 9, 2020
News The International Space Station just launched a harpoon-toting satellite to keep it safe from space junk June 25, 2018 - Updated on June 28, 2018