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Commonly administered mental health treatments might be ineffective, or even detrimental, to almost half of the population, a new study concludes. Righties don’t usually think about it, but life can sometimes be a little strange for a left-handed person. From using scissors to writing in a big-ring notebook bender, life is full of nuisances for […]
Things continue to be pretty nasty in Hawaii.
Here's an unusual idea on how to cut back on those sugary drinks.
Researchers advise people to sleep in early in order to lessen the risk for depression.
Graphic warnings work -- text ones? Not so much.
Good news from the UK!
The lazy panda has a richer story than you'd think.
Symptoms and diagnosis criteria very similar to other addiction-related disorders.
Local authorities in Virginia advise residents to keep an eye out for this very dangerous plant.
Sometimes you just have to blow stuff up!
A problem that will certainly strike close to home for many people.
It's a small gesture, but it can make a big difference for the tiny bees.
Scientists say that media reactions so far have been exaggerated.
As the World Cup in Russia is kicking off, it's time to look at what passion can do for your soccer team.
There's a good chance life is thriving on alien moons.
Put the cake down, Karen. Have an apple instead.
The only natural food high both in carbs and food is breast milk.
They're bending the rules!
Can't even blame them, I stay awake till 4 am for the same reason.
It's the first time astronomers have achieved this feat.
Guns'r bad, 'mkay?
A major discovery!
Spiders ride the wind!
The method is a lot like tracing the ripples made by a rock thrown in a pond.
Each year, queens have to re-establish their colonies. Human activity, however, is making it very hard for them to do so.
The unique critters also have a special hormone.
The first flu biomarker.
Very rare insight into the ancient lives of frogs.
How would you name a snake?
It's not a sign that Ceres ever harbored life, but it surely doesn't hurt its odds.
How to live harmoniously -- the bear version.
With a price tag of only $250, this is a very attractive buy -- probably the best if you're shopping on a budget.
A win for restoration!
One-third of American adults take at least one drug with depression as a side effect.
It's an ungodly figure.
An explanation for why we feel tired.
This may be a key finding, as more and more pathogens are becoming drug-resistant.
The rarest ape in the world is slowly becoming forgotten.
Acting as soon as possible is best -- both for the corals, and ourselves.
Not a bad trick!
The amazing treatment could help thousands battling obesity and diabetes.
How to turn your brain into stone -- literally.
What do you think about this idea?
Parents should add fresh fruits and vegetables to their kids' diets instead.
Come on Mars, why you gotta be like this?
The findings might revolutionize our understanding of how the solar system came to be, as well as all planetary bodies for that matter.
Ancient volcanism offers a glimpse into the future effects of climate change.
A breakthrough moment in astronomy.
Hunger + Anger = Hanger. Which is not pleasant for anyone.
It's one of the greatest evolutionary stories involving our own distant ancestry.