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Yum or yuck?
We need to be more responsible -- starting from our plates.
How old do you feel, really?
One of the studies focused on the steamier side of messaging: "sexting".
What is being seen is that the universe is expanding faster nearby than we would expect based on more distant measurements.
High-speed internet makes electronic devices more interesting... and we seem to be losing track of our bed time.
Don't let this fuel the inter-generation conflict though.
Turns out a one-trick economy never lasts long.
But that doesn't mean their fertility is necessarily affected.
To the untrained eye, they look just like plants, static and seemingly inactive. But things are not always as they seem.
There's a particular irony to this situation.
The most sophisticated fridge in space is already delivering fantastic results.
Would you care for some eau d'Dinosaur?
Glow your own way.
It looks like we'll have to tackle climate change the good old-fashioned way
Smart clothes -- not watches -- are the future of wearables.
We see them ever so often, but there's so much still shrouded in mystery.
The discovery paves the way for advanced materials that have the same functionality as living organisms.
Could this also be applied to humans?
A new study suggests obesity may play an important role in flu transmission.
You probably think there are a lot of these animals running around.
Not good news.
Scientists are saving America's iconic prairies from mice by coating seeds with hot peppers.
If it ain't broken, don't replace it with a powerplant.
Even before it actually started doing science, TESS sent back awesome footage of a passing comet.
They say nothing lasts forever -- but that's not really true.
It's a planet -- no, it's a brown dwarf. No, it's... both?
It's older than Earth itself!
We're way past the 'if' moment -- it's time to act.
Foxy genes.
New research solves a 160-year-old mystery about the origin of the vertebrate skeleton.
Live fast, die young.
Having willpower makes you less susceptible to visceral states.
Results are intriguing, but psychologists are faced with a weird problem.
Welcome to selling strategies, where ethics are made up and your health doesn't matter!
Happy birthday, dear Curiosity! Happy birthday to you!
"Overall screen time seems to be increasing -- if portable devices are allowing for more mobility, this has not reduced overall sedentary time nor risk of obesity," says Tracie A. Barnett, one of the paper's authors.
When test subjects attempted to switch off the robot, it quickly quipped that it's afraid of the dark, pleading "No! Please do not switch me off!"
Saunas really do have a positive health effect, a new review concludes.
Another uphill battle against bacterial infections.
Treasure? Yep, priceless, golden, sparkly treasure.
The Mayans expanded haphazardly, and they ended up paying the price for it -- but Mother Nature also had a say in it.
A new way to predict the natural disasters.
It's not a simple problem and it doesn't have a simple answer -- but here's what we can do.
But their genetic adaptations are another prime example of island dwarfism.
I don't wanna say it's global warming, but it sure quacks like global warming.
New research sheds new insight into the enigmatic lives of Stonehenge people.
Exciting new research finally unravels how the ancient Greeks played music.
Things are not OK.
Having babies actually makes them live longer.