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Cold, dark climates linked to heavy drinking

This explains some things...

Delicious chemistry: the science behind wok tossing

Things don't get much hotter (and spicier) than this.

Cave insects that have female penises evolved independently

These cave insects have reversed sexual organs. Now, scientists have learned more about this fascinating quirk of nature.

Ice in glaciers on Mount Everest is warmer than expected -- or "hoped" for

"Warm" ice is a problem.

One Icelandic glacier-volcano duo is emitting 20 times more methane than all other volcanoes in Europe

When glaciers fall to the dark side, methane happens.

World's first full-body scanner tracks drugs and disease in the human body

In videos that touch the surreal, scientists image not only organs and tissue but also substances as they move through the human body.

Scientists learn how bone grows atom by atom, which could lead to better osteoporosis treatment

Bone growth had previously been somewhat of a mystery.

Archaeologists uncover Roman baths in Syria

It's a remarkable find, but it's only the first step.

Birds-of-paradise males need more than looks to get a girlfriend

These gals want everything to be just right.

Lifting weights may be better for the heart than cardio

Static exercises seem to outperform dynamic exercises in terms of improving heart health.

Cat's tongues are surprisingly complex -- and better at cleaning than any brush we have

Fur lickin' findings.

NASA picks Jezero Crater for Mars 2020 rover landing site

Rocks collected by the new rover will be transported to Earth.

AI outperforms top corporate lawyers in accuracy -- and is 100 times faster

Justice by robots sounds like the future we've all been waiting for.

Sprawling termite complex from Brazil is visible from space -- and 4,000 years old

Technically, it's piles of construction waste, in the termites' eyes.

MDMA makes people more cooperative towards trustworthy people -- with important implications for psychotherapy

More insight into what makes MDMA so good at connecting people.

Amazing new footage of rare and elusive Javan rhino wallowing in the mud

Researchers went face to face with an amazing (and critically endangered) rhino.

New peanut allergy treatment ready for FDA review. It's based on peanuts

A peanut a day keeps peanuts away.

Archaeologists date prehistoric "Swiss army knife" from Chinese cave

It's a tool built by humanity's ancestors.

Scientists draw inspiration from nature to develop cheese-smelling electronic nose

Scientists went to the zoo to develop better electronic noses.

Check this out: mind blowing Virtual Reality simulation of the Milky Way's supermassive black hole

It's simply mesmerizing.

The kilogram, ampere, mole, and Kelvin are changing to stay the same

Not to brag, but the SI is at least one foot (see what I did there?) ahead of Imperial units.

How wombats make cubed poop

The answer to a question you never knew you had.

What is the 'right' age to have a child? Here's what the science says

The science is clear: the “right” age to have a child according to your biological clock is under 35 for women and under 40 for men.

Sucking on your baby's pacifier may protect them from allergies

Many parents do this without much thought -- but they may be on to something.

Spain is poised to go fully-renewable by 2050

Está bien!

Fish oil doesn't really do anything, new study suggests

Researchers say the chance of getting any meaningful benefit from taking omega-3 is one in 1,000.

Killer whales display personality traits such as playfulness, cheerfulness and affection -- just like humans or chimps

They are really smart creatures.

Coffee or tea? The answer might lie in your genes

So, which one is your favorite?

Many Americans suffer from "social jet lag", new social media study shows

Social media is more impactful than you might think.

Orangutans can 'talk' about the past and the future, study suggests

We used to believe this is a human-only perk.

New tech transforms human poop into clean biofuel

Sanitation and energy generation in one go.

Rainforest plant may treat pancreatic cancer through ‘antiausterity’ properties

Cool, now we need to find one for the economy, too!

Chinese archaeologists discover evidence of skull surgery in ancient, sophisticated hospital

It's an important finding, from one of China's richest archaeological sites.

Italian supervolcano might restart eruption cycle, new study concludes

There's no reason to panic, researchers stress.

Dry irony: first rain in centuries causes extinction of Atacama Desert microbes

This also means that resurfaced liquid water on Mars might kill any hypothetical surviving microbes.

This stunning medieval book has 6 bindings -- and is essentially 6 different books

It's jaw-droppingly beautiful.

'Oumuamua, our first interstellar visitor, is actually smaller than we thought

The small asteroid also seems to be emanating streams of gas that may explain why it was moving faster than it was supposed to.

Scientists find huge 19-mile impact crater under Greenland's ice sheet

A meteorite might have slammed into the island as early as 12,000 years ago.

Pain, the self-fulfilling prophecy: When we expect something to hurt, it does

Mind over body.

How people use music as a sleeping aid

Music is free and doesn't have negative side effects, unlike sleeping aid drugs.

Scientists zoom in on blood test for cancer

The test is quick and almost painless.

Neanderthal life wasn't more violent than human life, new study suggests

Yet another similarity that Neanderthals share with humans.

Most people tend to mirror their mother's number of romantic partners

Turns out most of us are just like our mothers.

Bacteria might be living inside the human brain

This could be a massive game changer.

We're watching a 'horror story' in which the casualty is Earth's wilderness

Only 23% of the world can now be considered wilderness.

The Earth is smack in the middle of a 'dark matter hurricane'

And this could prove the perfect opportunity to identify the elusive form of matter.

Rising seas might mean more coral reef islands -- if we don't murder all the corals

We might get more 'exotic' if we dial down on the 'extinction'.

Low-income countries use up to 16 times fewer antibiotics than wealthy countries, WHO report says

Antibiotic resistance seems to be driven by affluent countries.

Climate change caused the demise of flourishing Ancient civilization

There's a lesson to be learned from today.

Why do people self-harm? New study offers surprising answers

Definitely an unexpected finding.