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Female gamers are three times more likely to study science

Encouraging 'geeky girls' to pursue a STEM degree could help bridge the gender gap.

Researchers find Jurassic piranha-like flesh-eating fish, and also spot their victims

The Jurassic had flesh-eating fish... of course it did.

World's largest organism is being eaten away by wild animals

A clonal colony of Aspen stretching over 100 acres is being threatened -- and it's all on us again.

Scientists develop self-lubricating, smart condoms

An innovation which will make a lot of people happyier.

Breastmilk protects infants from antibiotic-resistant bacteria and improves preemies’ brain development

An aggressive campaign of producers of baby formula has led to a decrease in breastfeeding rates.

Ghost fishing kills over 650,000 animals a year. These researchers believe they've found a solution

Technology to the rescue!

Virtual reality simulation makes people more compassionate towards the homeless

The VR experience made participants more likely to sign a petition for affordable housing.

Scientist exposes predatory journals by submitting 'Rick and Morty' papers

Briefly, a dinglebop was smoothened by the help of schleem.

Novel video shows what drone impacts can do to planes. Spoiler alert: it's very, very bad

That's... surprisingly damaging!

Lab-tailored enzyme shows promise as a new and powerful treatment against tobacco addiction

Science to the rescue.

'Earliest evidence of life' may just be really old rock

The debate is far from over, though.

Giraffe patterns aren't random -- and they're quite important

Have you ever noticed a giraffe's patterns?

Researchers document first evidence of epigenetic inheritance via sperm

We're not sure yet if a father's experience can affect the health of offspring.

'Rust' fungi threaten to wipe out Latin America's coffee crops

A fungal infection has devastated up to 70% of coffee production in some regions.

Antarctic ice shelf makes ghostly sounds as winds whip across its surface

It's like the soundscape for a bad horror movie.

How supercapacitors could usher in a new age for hybrid vehicles

Supercapacitors, super cars.

Gas giants orbiting young star may require astronomers to rethink planetary formation

A bizarre stellar 'toddler' is leaving scientists scratching their heads.

Apple donates 1,000 watches for study to monitor binge eating

Every 60 minutes, someone dies in the U.S. because of an eating disorder.

Dogs may be able to process the meaning of some words, brain scans reveal

Man's best friend seems to have a neural representation of the words it has been taught.

Humans are exterminating mammals faster than evolution can keep up

Saving biodiversity makes more sense than waiting millions of years for it to re-evolve.

Canada’s Pied Piper Province -- How Alberta Became Rat-less

Alberta managed something that few other areas can boast.

Jupiter's moon Ganymede shows signs of "strike-slip" tectonic activity

This could, ultimately, help us look for extraterrestrial life in our solar system.

Chili peppers may have antidepressant qualities

Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, eased depression symptoms in mice.

Neanderthal child was eaten by giant bird

Talk about a gruesome story -- yikes!

2°C warming in Puerto Rico caused 60-fold crash in insect population

We need urgent climate action in order to avoid catastrophic ecosystem collapse.

Hundreds of dietary supplements are tainted with unlisted drugs

These pose "a serious public health risk." Most are sexual enhancement, weight loss, and bodybuilding supplements.

World's fastest camera captures 10 trillion frames per second

The unprecedented scale of imaging can record even the slightest changes in the behavior of light.

Scientists find oldest evidence of animal life in 660-million-year-old biomarkers

Ancient sponges were among the first animals that scientists have been able to identify.

Italy's Mount Etna might soon collapse into the sea

Well this sure ain't good news.

Archaeologists discover Roman-age burial site of "vampire-child"

Strap your seatbelts, it's creepy time.

Stephen Hawking's final paper suggests black holes store information about missing matter in 'soft hairs'

The late physicist's very last paper offers new insight into the black hole information paradox.

New 3D-printing process creates ligaments, tendons for transplant -- paves the way for replacement organs

Print me a new me, please. Make me taller, too.

Fossil Friday: the tiniest, most adorable Tylosaurus skull ever found


American and Russian astronauts escape malfunctioning Soyuz launch

The incident adds more strain to already tense relations between the US and Russian space programs.

The brain replays memories as you sleep to make sure you don't lose them

This is something worth remembering. So, maybe, sleep on it a bit?

Extinct giant flying squirrel sheds light on the evolution of the gliding rodents

The airborne mammals split from their tree clinging cousins much earlier than thought.

Search for alien life needs to be integral to NASA missions in the future, new report says

A Congress-mandated committee recommends that finding alien life becomes a priority for most NASA missions.

Small Somalian cavefish hints at mammals' nocturnal ancestor

Things start to change when you've been living in the dark for millions of years.

Researchers build salivary gland from scratch -- and it works

Who doesn't want replacement organs?

People can recognize an average of 5,000 faces, a new study reports

Some more, some less.

Bees completely stopped flying during the 2017 total solar eclipse

Who took the lights out?

Even small gifts can convince customers to buy, new study reveals

The problem, as it so often happens, lies with the bosses.

Some moons have moons of their own -- moonmoons

But can moonmoons have moonmoonmoons?

Melbourne solar powered canopy that doubles as work of art wins 2018 Land Art Generator Initiative

A beautiful solar array shaped like a canopy might provide 2,220 MWh of clean energy annually to Melbourne residents.

Creative fields have a lot to benefit from people with ADHD, new study says

Finally, some go...... Uuu shiny!

Ancient Vesuvius eruption was so intense it cracked Roman skulls and boiled Roman brains

Almost 2,000 years later, scientists are still piecing together the horrific jigsaw puzzle of the Vesuvius eruption.

Dopamine is the key allowing our brains to change beliefs -- short-term ones, at least

Don't forget to post some dopamine with that sarcastic comment -- it will work much better.

England's youth are drinking less and less -- and some have never had a drink

I didn't know you were allowed to do this in the UK.

Underwater volcano found off Australian coast may act as superhighway for whales

The chain of seamounts is brimming with underwater life.

Last call if we want to save the planet from devastating climate change, scientists warn

The science is in. Now, it's time for policymakers to act, and for all of us to drive the change.