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Short sleepers are more likely to wake up dehydrated

Sleep and hydration in the body seem to be linked. If you're a short sleeper, drink plenty of water in the morning.

The World Wide Web's inventor says we need a 'new contract' for the world wide web

"All kinds of things have gone wrong" with the internet, says Berners-Lee.

Deaf moths use acoustic camouflage to escape bats

It's an evolutionary arms race.

The drugs we take end up in rivers, where they affect the entire ecosystem

The drugs we take are reaching natural ecosystems, and moving up the food chain.

The elephant bird, the largest bird known to man, was actually nocturnal

It also had a keen sense of smell.

Your left hemisphere can veto the right one into submission -- but they generally play nice

We now know more about how the brain's hemispheres sync up.

Hubble finds 'smiley face' drawn by galactic objects

NASA's space telescope was looking for new stars when it came across a happy accident.

More than 90% of children worldwide breathe heavily polluted air -- a "ticking time bomb"

Pollution is a silent killer -- and it's affecting almost all the planet's children.

Scientists zoom in on Mongolia's oldest cheese production

2,000 years before the Mongolians conquered Asia and Europe, they conquered dairy-making.

Diabetes drugs may have protective effects against Alzheimer's

Antidiabetes medication could reduce Alzheimer's severity.

Tesla Roadster and Starman have now traveled beyond Mars

The Tesla electric car has exceeded its warranty mileage more than 10,000 times.

Energy drinks have a profound effect on our blood vessels, new research shows

How can people drink this stuff in the first place is beyond me.

Mining cryptocurrencies consumes as much energy as mining precious metals

More evidence that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have a negative environmental impact.

Orangutan numbers continue to decline -- despite optimistic government report

There is little reason for optimism here -- but conservation efforts can still make a difference.

Exposure to cannabis leads to cognitive changes in the offspring of rats

The findings are still preliminary, but they do suggest that mothers should abstain a bit before and during pregnancy.

Wind turbines act as apex predators in local ecosystems

Researchers found four times more predatory birds around areas without wind farms compared to those that have.

Vikings conquered Europe thanks to a technological innovation: tar

Tar may have been the straw that broke Europe's back.

Music therapy makes children with autism more socially aware

Individuals with autism hear much more than regular people -- and music seems to help them communicate better.

New project aims to map the DNA of every animal, plant and fungus

One of the most ambitious projects ever attempted in science.

Electrical stimulation of spinal cord allows two paraplegics to stand and walk

A remarkable medical breakthrough that might one day put an end to many forms of paralysis.

We make snap judgements about someone's personality based on their body shape

Lighter bodies were seen as more self-confident while heavier bodies were associated with negative personality traits such as laziness.

Deepest volcanic eruption lies in a field of glass at the lip of the Mariana Trench

Adelle is surely rolling somewhere around there.

Widespread coral species shows unique adaptations against environmental changes

Pocillopora damicornis -- one of the most abundant and widespread reef-building corals in the world -- may help us better understand how anthozoans deal with stress.

Immigrating drastically changes people's microbiome

It changes very fast.

Veganism can improve mental health and reduce diabetes risk factors

Don't throw your dairy away just yet, though.

Llama antibodies could be key to universal flu vaccine

The South American cameloid has antibodies that offer protection against most influenza strains.

Younger Americans are better than older Americans at spotting fake news

Well this finding will definitely rattle some spirits.

Barn swallows have evolved to live alongside us, new research reveals

They live with us, but they're not domesticated.

Neanderthal children endured harsh winters and lead poisoning 250,000 years ago

However, their mothers still too care of them as best of they could.

Natural batteries formed Mars' organic carbon

Still no aliens. But this is definitely a cool find!

World oceans may have absorbed 60% more heat than previously estimated

Ocean life is in bigger trouble than we thought.

Materialism is on the rise -- here's how to avoid raising a materialistic child

There's a silver bullet to fight materialism: generosity.

China lifts ban on tiger and rhino parts for "traditional medicine"

This is a major setback for animal conservation.

Cockroach uses karate kick escape zombie-making wasps

Well this is a grisly Halloween story if I've ever seen one.

Decline in commercial shellfish due to environmental changes

For once, it's not overfishing!

Humans have killed 60% of all animals since 1970

Things are not hopeless, but we need to act -- now.

Earth's last wilderness areas may soon be lost, study warns

Things don't look good, but we can still protect what we have if we take immediate action.

Dinosaurs laid colored eggs and passed this trait on to birds, new study shows

Dinosaurs developed colored eggs for the first and only time in history, a new study suggests.

Veterinary community releases tips and tricks on how to properly feed your cat

If you own a cat, this is the paper for you.

Astronomers image plasma flares on the bleeding edge of Milky Way's supermassive black hole

These flares should correspond to the point of no return for the Milky Way's supermassive black hole.

Teen cannabis users who abstain for a month can learn better

Cannabis affects memory functions in teens. The good news is that the effects can be reversed fast with abstinence.

Smart on a budget: researchers design free IQ test that takes 10 minutes to complete

"Our test, available for free, levels the playing field for a vast number of researchers interested in using it," the authors write.

The biggest birds in history were probably nocturnal -- and blind

They did, however, have an excellent sense of smell.

Adorable Dumbo octopus makes surprise appearance on camera

The elusive creature lives deep beneath the ocean's surface.

Twice as many people die of gun-related suicide than homicide in the U.S. -- but Americans perceive the opposite

This gap between perception and reality may actually be putting some people at risk.

Tiny bug trapped in amber gives clues of tectonic movement

This tiny bug tells a story much bigger than itself.

Parker solar probe comes closer to the sun than any other man-made spacecraft

And it's only getting warmed up.

Why there may be thousands of stink bugs hiding under your sofa

There are unexpected and unappreciated guests sneaking into our homes.

Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun Pose a Big Threat to Earth

This is some scary stuff.

Young kids are exposed to many app advertisements, new study reports

This is worrying news.