Mind & Brain Want your kids to be calmer and have improved mental health? Connect them to nature, scientists say January 15, 2019
Science Flu vaccine significantly lowers hospitalizations in chronic lung disease patients January 11, 2019
Biology Why scientists want to engineer spicy tomatoes January 10, 2019 - Updated on January 10, 2020
Biology Your brain pays more attention to objects it knows are small — no matter how large they seem January 9, 2019
Mind & Brain Artificial Intelligence detects Alzheimer’s six years before human diagnosis January 8, 2019
Economics US Government shutdown hits hard at scientists — and research in general January 8, 2019 - Updated on January 10, 2019
News Some of our ancestors walked on two legs millions of years before Homo sapiens evolved January 8, 2019
Economics Americans are happier in states that spend more on public goods like libraries and parks January 8, 2019
Biology The rogue Chinese scientist who made the first gene-edited human babies could face death penalty January 8, 2019
News Artificial intelligence still has severe limitations in recognizing what it’s seeing January 8, 2019
Mind & Brain Police officers face and dole out more violence when their weapons aren’t concealed January 7, 2019
Health Holocaust survivors are sicker but live much longer than Israelis who weren’t persecuted January 7, 2019
Health Anonymous drug testing at festivals can save lives. Study finds 1 in 5 drugs were not as sold January 4, 2019
Environment The Sahara swings between ‘lush’ and ‘desert’ every 20,000 years, in sync with the Earth’s tilt January 4, 2019 - Updated on October 13, 2022
News New Horizons beams back clear image of farthest object ever visited in the solar system January 3, 2019
Archaeology Bacteria in ancient Druid “healing soil” found to stop the growth of super bugs January 2, 2019 - Updated on February 13, 2024
Animals Bees use a small number of neurons to count, and they’re one of the best counters we know December 28, 2018
Biology Exercise is as good as medicine for lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension December 28, 2018 - Updated on May 31, 2020
Environment Germany shuts down its last black coal mine, ending almost 200 years of history December 28, 2018 - Updated on April 25, 2019
Biology Irish dirt might cure the world of (most) multi-drug-resistant bacteria December 28, 2018 - Updated on May 4, 2020
Health Engaging in cultural activities can stave off depression in old age December 27, 2018 - Updated on February 15, 2019
News Astronomers find a new way to ‘see’ dark matter using starlight from rogue stars December 27, 2018
Science Giving, not receiving, is the secret to happiness unceasing December 27, 2018 - Updated on February 14, 2020
News Yes, a quantum internet is possible, new study shows December 27, 2018 - Updated on May 11, 2023
Genetics Scientists turn blood cells into neural stem cells, opening door for new regenerative therapies December 26, 2018
Anthropology Stone Age people were living on the Himalayan plateau 30,000 years ago December 22, 2018
Science Christmas traditions: In Catalonia, a man is pooping in the nativity scene December 21, 2018 - Updated on December 9, 2022