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We've just discovered the Earth's largest drum: our planet's magnetosphere

It's larger than the Earth itself.

Climate of North American cities in 2080 will tend to resemble those of today hundreds of miles south

For instance, Washington D.C.'s 2080 climate would be similar to that of Paragould, Arkansas today.

Ancient monoliths like Stonehenge may have spread from northwestern France about 7,000 years ago

There are actually tens of thousands of Stonehenge-like structures throughout Europe.

A brief look at how the idea of elevators came up

They really are an underappreciated invention -- it took a lot of work!

Seven traits are seen as moral by the whole world, study finds

It's good to be good.

NASA finds a second huge impact crater beneath Greenland's ice sheet

Our planet has received its fair share of visitors along the years. This one has been hiding under Greenland's thick ice.

Pioneers of climate science win "Nobel" prize for environment

You could hardly imagine more deserving scientists to receive this award.

For the first time, we can "see" the physical forces of cells in action

This could revolutionize the study of life sciences.

Oldest mobility: microscopic creature moved around 2 billion years ago

These creatures were really ahead of their time.

How poppy petals create striking colors despite being thinner than your skin

In news today: male beetles think poppy flowers are hot. Science!

Genetics may be more important for perfect pitch than musical training

Mozart's talent for spotting a tone without a reference may be more influenced by genetics than previously thought.

Lack of general theoretical framework for human behavior may be to blame for replication crisis in social sciences

More than half of psychology findings can't be replicated -- but here's a possible solution.

Finland's universal basic income experiment made people happier, but didn't land them a job

The results are neither bad nor good.

The world is running out of insects -- because of us -- and it will lead to a “catastrophic collapse"

They may be creepy crawlies, but we need them.

AI detects childhood diseases with doctor-like accuracy

This isn't meant to replace doctors, but help them and speed up the diagnosis process.

Shame, not guilt, makes us consumed by our secrets

Your secrets are safe with you, but you're not safe with them.

Organic transistors bring us closer to brain-mimicking AI

It has the ability to learn, and is equipped with both short-term and long-term memory.

Smart fabric changes thermal properties based on environment

Finally, something to wear that isn't too warm nor too cold.

A new study explains how snakes lost their legs

They didn't lose the genes for limbs -- they're just blocked.

Europe's Mars rover named "Rosalind Franklin" in honor of DNA pioneer

It's the perfect name.

Rare bone cancer found in 240-million-year-old turtle

We're not all that different from the creatures with whom we share and have shared this planet.

Here's how you can feed your ex's spirit animal (a bug) to a meerkat

A timeless Valentine's gift.

Nicotine works inside our neurons to reinforce addiction

So, you know. Don't smoke.

Steam Power Might Help in Space Exploration

NASA is funding a steam-powered spacecraft.

Women's brains look years younger than those of men

The findings may explain why women live longer and stay more mentally sharp at old age than men.

Cannabis legalization increases traffic fatalities -- but mostly in neighboring, un-legalized states

It's probably because of all the people driving interstate to get high, then driving back already high, the researchers believe.

Fish can recognize themselves in the mirror. Does that mean they're self aware?

The study casts an unexpected doubt on our very definition of self-awareness.

Butterflies are genetically wired to mate with others like them

Surprisingly, these butterflies could teach us a thing or two about humans.

Is Coffee good or bad? A critical view on the science behind it

Evidence points to the fact that coffee does more good than harm, indicating that it can be part of a healthful diet.

Nanotyrannus and the Skeptical Criteria for Species

A historical example of how classifying a species can sometimes be very confusing.

The world's farms are dominated by only four crops

This puts us at great risk.

Dengue vaccine candidate looks promising in Phase 3 Trial

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that causes flu-like symptoms but can be lethal and kill up to 20% of those with severe dengue.

Scientists link properties of individual brain cell size to intelligence

Larger branched neural extensions (dendrites) may make some people more intelligent.

Newly discovered toothless dinosaur was surprisingly cute

Some scientists say it was more a bird than a dinosaur.

Sea level rise might not be as bad as predicted, despite accelerating ice sheet melting

Long story short: it's still bad.

NASA wants to deflect a tiny asteroid's orbit: humanity's first planetary defense test

The audacious plan will confirm whether or not we're capable of deflecting asteroids -- at least the tiny ones, for now.

Humanity's lust for meat is killing off Earth's large animals

Want to save endangered animals? Eat less meat, researchers say.

Four years ago this island didn't exist. Now it's full of vegetation and "mystery mud"

Our planet really is alive.

North American flying squirrels are bright pink -- under UV light


Most Americans with a medical marijuana license use it to treat an evidence-based condition

Chronic pain is the most common condition identified by the study.

Ingenious new technique shows Mars' Mount Sharp to be very porous

Yay for creative science!

Drug for common skin condition also fights heart disease

It's an unexpected finding which might end up making a very big difference.

Scientists grow mouse kidneys inside rats

One-day, all organ transplants could be fulfilled. No more waiting lists.

How orcas hunt -- and some surprising findings

The males hunt more than the females, researchers found.

The “pins and needles” feeling explained

Ever wonder why your foot sometimes falls asleep?

New software allows researchers to CATCH any known virus in a sample

"Tools like CATCH will help us and others detect outbreaks earlier and generate more data on pathogens that can be shared with the wider scientific and medical research communities," the authors say.

Magnetic north pole finally gets a much needed update

The end of the US government shutdown is finally updating our GPS.

Over 100 new species of bacteria discovered in your gut

I had a gut feeling they would.

Climate change will recolor much of the oceans by 2100, MIT research suggests

It's not good news.

Scientists harvest wild genes to give food crops an edge against diseases

Back to the wild for inspiration.