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Humanity strikes back: another win against HIV.
The humans had to become very efficient in order to survive.
People were getting inked long before we even had ink!
In a bout of positive news, people are very good at spotting happiness throughout their lives. Anger and fear, not so much.
Ugh, rude.
But ultimately humans are often the ones who introduce alien species to new ecosystems.
Biopesticides could protect crops against diseases without the typical downsides of synthetic chemicals.
We all want what's best for our children, and the science is pretty clear on this one: antivaxxing claims lives.
Antarctica's pristine environment is no longer really pristine.
Nobody likes keeping track of the food they ate but it doesn't a lot of time at all and the results speak for themselves.
The sperm-pocalypse might start from inside our homes.
So far, the drug has worked on mice, but researchers are confident that the findings could translate on humans.
I'd describe most of my conversations as 'hostage situations'.
Walk like an Egyptian?
Fast food servings have gotten significantly bigger since 1986, which may partly explain the rise in obesity in the United States.
The new material also conducts electricity making it ideal for stretchable electronics and soft robotics.
As if overfishing wasn't enough, fisheries are plummeting because of the effects of higher water temperature as a result of global warming.
It's a harsh reminder of the long-lasting effects that modern warfare has on the environment.
No skin? No problem!
Sorry, college freshmen.
In fact, it can produce some cannabinoids that are not naturally-occurring.
That moment when science fiction meets reality.
Far from being slow, giant ground sloths were highly adaptable creatures. The new findings suggest that humans must have had a decisive role in the megafauna's extinction.
The Atacama Desert is the most Mars-like environment on Earth.
The planet's surface has seen an increase in leaf area of plants and trees equivalent to that covered by all the Amazon rainforests.
I do like cleaner seas.
Thrash we've thrown away years ago is killing ocean life as you're reading this.
"Poetic justice" comes to mind.
Infants are much more sensitive to emotional content than we thought.
“It’s getting dark, my batteries are running low.” With this final poignant message, the most successful mission to Mars ended in a dust storm in 2018.
Defective and toxic proteins in cells are cleared more easily with a healthy lifestyle.
A good night's sleep can be a distant dream when having a baby.
Talk about an unpleasant surprise!
It's one bad news after the other for the coral reef.
If nothing else, it's free entertainment!
This group of fish is unique among all vertebrates.
Space history was made this week!
The record was broken -- and then broken again.
How most of us feel in regards to our shape, well, that's not biology's concern.
A breakthrough that will narrow down the search for alien life.
Antivaxx trends and complacency are bringing back a disease from the brink of eradication.
If this ever happens, it would be like having crocodiles in the Arctic.
Nothing like some sweet TLC to give you a nice start in life.
Make America small again, then!
It's easier and more effective than other gene editing methods. What's more, there's no risk of transmitting altered genes to other species, such as weeds.
Insomnia is poorly understood but a new study might finally help millions of people get a good night's sleep.
Did a wet Mars foster life? That's the big question scientists hope to answer in the future.
They say modern life is the best but I won't be convinced till I have a pet fox myself.
The first tyrannosauruses were quite small.
Wallace’s giant bee -- about four times larger than a honeybee -- hadn't been spotted for nearly four decades until a band of explores rediscovered it.