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Make America small again, then!
It's easier and more effective than other gene editing methods. What's more, there's no risk of transmitting altered genes to other species, such as weeds.
Insomnia is poorly understood but a new study might finally help millions of people get a good night's sleep.
Did a wet Mars foster life? That's the big question scientists hope to answer in the future.
They say modern life is the best but I won't be convinced till I have a pet fox myself.
The first tyrannosauruses were quite small.
Wallace’s giant bee -- about four times larger than a honeybee -- hadn't been spotted for nearly four decades until a band of explores rediscovered it.
If you want to avoid hangovers, simply look for red flags, researchers say.
Catch me if you can!
Could we be witnessing an evolutionary leap in action?
Mice are born with a single set of teeth, unlike humans which have two. Now, scientists used genetic techniques to signal the formation of additional teeth in mice.
Drink up!
The challenge is greater in the world’s poorest countries.
"Extreme" things generally aren't very healthy.
It's as tough as industrial rubber, MIT researchers say.
You should probably try really hard to hold your breath around there, though.
One day, checking the weather on Mars in real-time will be as easy as googling it.
Scientists finally found out how insects are kept away from zebras.
It's only 34 km across.
No time like mealtime.
OpenAI thinks that its AI is too dangerous to risk having it fall into the wrong hands.
Pacemakers in the future might never require battery replacement.
Do you think they drunkenly made embarrassing pots and regretted it the next day?
Caveburgers, anyone?
Sorry ladies.
Scientists sink their teeth in the great white's genome
Sometimes less really is more.
It's only a preliminary study, but the results are promising.
The tale of a beautiful man who tragically fell in love with himself, painted on the walls of a Roman house which collapsed in tragedy.
As if Stonehenge wasn't impressive enough, its rocks were quarried from a very, very long distance away.
Something as simple meditation can do wonders.
"They're OUR genes, tovarish plant" -- grasses.
The colonies work similarly to a brain, actually.
Equatorial rainforests are actually net emitters of carbon. Young forests in temperate regions are the best carbon sinks on land, new research suggests.
This is an important puzzle piece for our understanding of ecosystems.
Man's best friend, indeed.
This is just adding more salt to the wound.
One-day household pollution may be given as much attention as transportation emissions.
Vaccines work, definitely!
Alcohol has very subtle effects on the brain which we're only beginning to recognize.
Treatment for the highly addictive substance might have to be approached differently if you're male or female.
More and more evidence suggests that zero-calorie drinks may be just as bad as sugary ones.
This won't end the debate anytime soon, though.
The implications could also be huge for people with Alzheimer's.
If the footprint is confirmed to be Neanderthal, it would only be the second one in the world, the other being Vartop Cave in Romania.
Give an orangutan a banana and you'll feed him for a day. Give him a stick and he'll poke bananas for a lifetime.
Surprise is the spice of life.
This could be very important for developing countries.
Goodnight, sweet prince...
Adio, Opportunity! You'll be forever in our hearts <3.