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Don't judge a book by its cover; nor an orangutan by his cheek flanges.
A historic moment in science that pushes the limits of human knowledge.
We're at the peak of allergy season.
"In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."
Oh boy, it's not pretty.
You are what you eat...
This might help us clamp down on plastic pollution.
Breathe in deep -- it's safe.
A search party could only retrieve his skull and a pair of pants.
Empathy basically evolve in order to "mind read" other people.
Step 1: live on hairless primate. Step 2: wait for said primate to go to space. Step 3: PROFIT!
The literary style is consistent throughout the entire text, researchers say.
On Wednesday, physicists will make a historical announcement.
Japan is leading a global trend of sexual inactivity.
"He" may have been a "they."
The environments are also teeming with life.
Divided we stand!
Cool research, even if its purpose is somewhat troubling.
Food and alcohol may share similar circuits in the brain.
Don't try this at home, folks.
Our lifestyle choices are influencing human mortality more than ever.
This creature had a whale of a time.
It was ten times larger than the Amazon delta.
Can this bitter myth just go away already?
The team says it looked more like a dolphin than a crocodile.
The surviving fragments of planet orbiting a white dwarf have been found by a team of astronomers.
In the future, plastic surgery might become non-invasive if you can believe it.
It's already impacting our lives.
The National Aeronautics and Spider Silk Administration is very excited about this study.
Is it a good deal?
The findings could lead to better treatments and screening methods for people who carry such risky genes.
Dubstep seems to entertain mosquitoes, which become less interested in feeding on humans or having sex.
Unfortunately, the answer is 'probably not enough'.
The Air Force had to use the same launch pad, the company announced.
The Great Barrier Reef's future is bleak.
The brain has an auto-complete feature for your memories. The hippocampus handles it.
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer -- it's also easily preventable with proper protection against the sun.
Science to the rescue!
There's something very cosmic about these earthly flowers.
"We are not saying that depression is not heritable at all. It is. What we are saying is that depression is influenced by many many variants, and individually each of those has a miniscule effect."
Whether you break an egg or break into dance, our brain handles the word "break" the same.
"Our work has validated that the science is clear—vaccines are extremely safe,"
Tomorrow's windows might be made from wood -- transparent, energy-storing wood.
I know a few people who could use a similar system.
Growers are preparing for a rough season.
There are over 10,000 reptiles but scientists haven't been able to use CRISPR on any of them -- until now.
Also known as shipworm, these wood-eating clams are much more diverse than scientists thought.
When the two cross paths, the transformative potential could be immense.
Snakes have taken to the deep sea.