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Exciting news from Elon Musk.
Ever wondered how plants manage to survive in ungodly high temperatures?
Which kind of toothbrush do you use?
Three percent, ten percent, forty-seven percent -- what's a reasonable price?
We each consume about five grams of microplastics each week.
The "luxury effect" also propagates across animals.
They're running out of food -- and climate change seems to be involved.
Yet another testament to how smart and socially advanced dolphins are.
Hear that? That's the sound of an itsy-bitsy fishy heart breaking apart and it's tragic.
Did you know that Bitcoin is a significant contributor to global warming?
Social networks will be bombarded with similar fake content in the future.
All powerful religious figures are useful in keeping large populations in check.
Pro-life groups seem to be wrong with this one.
Oh, this explains a lot.
This is not only sustainable and recyclable but also cost-effective
Interstellar travel requires some impossible physics.
It was 'imported' from space via a meteorite impact.
Agricultural pollution causes a concerning number of cancers, a new study finds
Shouldn't it go the other way around?
Old age doesn't mean 'frail'.
This is bad.
You don't even need to become a vegetarian.
Our ability to detect pitch may have been integral to the development of language and music.
Who doesn't love a glass of wine?
It's never been easier and more popular to look for your family tree.
Eating while standing can be uncomfortable, distracting our attention from the enjoyment of food.
It seems there was a connection between tides and earthquakes after all.
The temperature around the sun is millions of times hotter than the sun's surface itself.
It's one of the oldest meteorite impacts ever discovered.
What are you drinking right now?
You should probably eat more fruits and vegetables.
A deep-sea creature is the first fish that we know of that holds its breath underwater.
Dogs are deeply empathetic creatures.
As if snow leopards didn't have enough to deal with.
There's a breaking point in your head -- but also in your gut.
There's more plastic in the deep than there is on the surface.
The beauty of math is embedded in nature.
Something needs to change in science publishing.
Learning from the best.
But can they fix a broken heart?
Data so far suggests that the virus can cause severe illness.
Out of the 544,879 colonies these beekeepers managed, 89,124 were lost over the winter of 2017-18.
Forest patches are opportunities to conserve wildlife
Bees pack a lot of neural hardware in their tiny bodies.
Prehistoric cereal rings? Sounds delicious!
Please, tell me again how this has nothing to do with emissions.
Bacteria causing gingivitis can migrate from the gums to the brain, causing Alzheimer's disease.
Dino fossils trapped in gemstones reveal new insights about Cretaceous life.
The adtech landscape is too opaque and complex -- and this new study shows that something needs to be done.
The findings also have interesting implications for automated text-analysis software, which will increasingly take on tasks like this in the future.