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"I imagine in the future we can make human livers where you can order what kind of function you want, or even enhance function."
Hundreds of days exposed to cosmic rays could put astronauts at risk of brain damage.
Instead of going after the gain, reframe to focus on the potential loss. It's far more effective, researchers say.
Turtles can control their own development and choose for themselves whether to become a boy or a girl.
All of the bling, none of the volume.
I'll admit it -- I did not expect this.
New updates from the spacecraft that came the closest to the sun.
"Since the virus cannot infect human liver cells, it is highly unlikely that the virus can infect people."
After all, the Earth was once a snowball too.
Chameleons are cool but have you heard about this master of disguise?
Let's find the missing black holes!
The other star we've found so far has so little iron -- a key indicator that it was forged close to the dawn of the universe.
It's common sense that a plant's roots grow downward in the soil -- but it hasn't always been like this.
The discovery has implications for the improvement of technologies like solar energy systems.
... and thanks to climate change, the Apavement will be hot much more often.
Size isn't everything.
So let's clean it up.
The findings show that plate tectonics started 3.3 billion years ago, coinciding with the period when life started on Earth.
The Milky Way's shape resembles that of a hat with the brim down in front and up in back.
This could usher in a new age of Alzheimer's research.
The new method may offer a cheap way of improving the reliability of the United States' water system.
Contrary to popular belief, estrogen hormones masculinize the brain in many mammals. The new findings might explain why boys are more affected by autism than girls.
Adding soybean to your diet might help stave off some of the harmful side-effects of smoking cannabis.
Instead of practicing millions of games, this machine analyzes the language of sports commentators to master chess.
*happy bat noises*
Tag one of your #trivia-nerd friends.
Sticks and stones may break your bones but this thing will fix'em right up.
Yet another consequence of climate change.
Unique wildlife in a third of the beaches between Santa Barbara and San Diego is seriously threatened.
Flowing through rivers and oceans, plastic waste has become an important environmental threat across the globe.
The study found that spider’s eyes provide high-quality information when they're small as well as when they are large.
On one hand, northwest India needs to tackle groundwater depletion. On the other hand, air pollution claimed the lives of almost 1.1 million Indians in 2015, and costs 3% of the country's gross domestic product, according to the study.
Spacecraft pushed by photons might someday take us to other stars.
Take away the proteins, and our immune systems decimate cancers.
Careful, they might be watching us.
"It's a clear demonstration that parthenolide has the potential to progress from the flowerbed into the clinic," they report.
A mother was incredibly invested considering she adopted an orphan from a different species and genus.
The Komodo dragon is an awesome predator -- and now scientists have discovered its genetic secrets.
Printing electronic circuits on a flower never looked so appealing.
Tobacco smoking represents the leading preventable cause of death worldwide. We just realized it's even worse than we thought.
Soon, NASA will launch a new rover to Mars where it'll have to do a lot of heavy lifting.
A new way to produce electricity.
It's twice more common than previous CDC estimates.
Don't let your brain put real-life information into math problems.
Where there's movement, there's energy. There's enough 'blue energy' to power thousands of American homes.
Balding could soon be a thing of the past -- if you're wealthy enough.
The authors studied where ivory is sold and for how much -- in a bid to nip poaching at the market stall.
We have an instinctive understanding that The Boss should fix injustice in the group.
Food enjoyment might be a key clue in understanding obesity.
Using sound, rather than light, could lead to more efficient and more compact quantum computers.