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Quantum computers may be decades away but that doesn't mean we shouldn't prepare for their disruptive impact.
The Pluto saga never ends.
A giant raft of light rocks is heading towards Australia -- and that's a good thing.
It's been 30 years since Neptune got its close up.
In case you needed another reason to run down to the animal shelter, here's one.
We need to step up our game, a lengthy report shows.
In about 10 days' time, we'll see if it worked or not.
The team says their technique could lead to devices that don't scratch or shatter, metal-free pacemakers, or electronics for harsh environments.
NASA approved early-stage plans for the mission.
"The takeaway is that this mechanical itch sensation is distinct from other forms of touch and it has this specialized pathway within the spinal cord," the authors explain.
We remember what we want to remember.
"This is a surprising conclusion," the team admits.
“It’s not something that’s happened with a short-term mild spell. It’s a longer-term warming which is making these things happen.”
A blood test that scores a person's risk of death in the next five years could be based on these molecules.
Brazil saw a sharp spike in deforestation during July, which has been followed by extensive burning in August.
The material "must have come from a supernova."
There are very serious concerns over the impact of facial recognition technology.
There might be a future for hydrogen airships -- but will the world be willing to give them a second chance?
Roughly 14% of respondents said they had to bribe to obtain care at least once in the past year.
Starting around 1600 BC, southern Scandinavia became closely linked to long-distance metal trade elsewhere in Europe.
Artificial cranial deformation is the practice of modifying the skull from infancy.
While the system is extremely complex and difficult to handle, the results are also worth it
While giving a sense of cleansing in any city, rainstorms usually cause substances in buildings, streets, and sidewalks to wash off into the drain. This can cause contaminants to end up in ground and surface waters, according to a new study. Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have analyzed untreated urban stormwater from […]
Dragons are make-believe but this lizard is every bit as epic.
Taking fewer flights is one of the most sustainable things a person can do to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions — and yet, researchers (even those studying climate change) probably fly more than they should. For the first time, researchers evaluated the link between observed air travel and academic success, finding no connection between the […]
Jupiter's frigid but water-rich moon might be getting a close-up view.
New research in Tunisia is teaching computers how to read your handwriting.
It would result in a 10-year-long nuclear winter that would be devastating for life on Earth.
People who visit an urban park use happier language and express less negativity on Twitter for up to four hours.
Men's empathy for other men is likely at play, the new study suggests.
The treatment is not only safe, but appears to be more effective than existing options.
Until the final results are published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, take them with a grain of salt.
The magma has remained in place since dawn of our planet.
Despite what folk knowledge says, most parents are actually less happy than their childless peers -- but that doesn't apply at an older age.
Christened LHS 3844b, the exoplanet is 1.3 times larger than our planet and orbits its star in 11 hours.
Size does matter.
The findings raise serious health concerns when it comes to putting astronauts on the moon.
What do you think doctors should do in this situation?
It's not you -- it's hotter than ever before.
It might pave the way for molecular-sized transistors.
"The current work challenges some dominant hypotheses about the effects of testosterone on moral judgments."
Finally, an exosuit that does both.
"It is stunning to observe how suggestions can influence brain activity," the authors say.
According to the research, the vaccine was “well-tolerated without any overt toxicity”.
This is not the first time Iceland is used as a training ground for NASA missions.
If Cleopatra was closeby, you'd probably smell her before you see her.
There's no place spared from our pollution when it falls from the sky.
New Zealand isn't a stranger to extinct big birds.
Apples, tea, and moderation -- 3 ingredients for a long life