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Federal government pushes ahead with plans to allow oil drilling in pristine Alaskan Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Please stop.

Dolphins are seeing a rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and it's our fault

Antibiotic resistance is reaching dramatic levels in some wild ecosystems, reports a study on bottlenose dolphins living in Florida’s Indian River Lagoon. One of the scariest public health issues we’re contending with today is the rise of antibiotic resistance. Many common bacterial strains are evolving to resist the drugs we rely on to treat them, […]

Researchers find the most massive neutron star ever

It's almost too massive to exist.

Scientists detect climate "smoking gun" signature in rivers

For decades, researchers have been trying to detect the influence of climate on river formation -- now, they've done it.

Trippy AI writes interactive text adventure game on the fly

The algorithm took inspiration from Ender's Game.

Scientists design the (new) darkest material ever

Move over, Vantablack -- this thing is 10 times darker.

What light pollution is and what we can do about it

It's not like you could just flip a switch and... oh.

How Volcanic Mountains Cool the Climate

Though coastal plutons spew greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as they form, they also pull some of those gases back out of the atmosphere as they break down over time.

Hot left testicles, cubed wombat poop, and the dirtiest money in the world among Ig Nobel winners

It's that time of the year when we celebrate research that "first make people laugh, and then make them think."

Solved for 42: long-lasting math problem finally gets its answer

42 may or may not be the answer to everything -- but it's definitely a solution for this math problem.

Scientists extract the oldest DNA data from 1.7-million-year-old rhino tooth

The findings could ultimately help scientists

Newfound comet could be an interstellar object, experts argue

It's only the second time that astronomers have detected an interstellar visitor.

Oil companies are investing billions in undermining climate efforts

Talk is cheap.

Exercising with a coach might be good for fighting depression

Hiring a coach to help you exercise can improve mood more than being on your own.

Scientists reconstruct the first 24 hours of dinosaur-killing asteroid impact

Molten rock shooting for the moon, huge tsunamis hundreds of feet tall, and global wildfires were triggered immediately after the impact.

The supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way just got very hungry

This big boy just got the munchies.

Fossil fuel extraction and use in the Arctic is changing the local chemistry

The Arctic is seeing a buildup of pollutants linked to fossil fuels.

Climate warming could impair soils' ability to sustain crops

Turns out, more rain is not always what you want.

Power generator turns on the lights by harnessing the cold of the night

This is one cool example of renewable energy.

How scientists detected water on an alien planet for the first time

K2-18 b is probably the most Earth-like planet we've discovered so far.

Newly-described dinosaur species was one of the largest fliers ever

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's.... Cryodrakon!

Seminal fluid blinds honeybee queens so they're less likely to mate with other males

A perfect example of a sexual arms race in the animal kingdom.

Marsupial giant pandas roamed Australia during the Ice Age

They likely chewed food in the same adorable way.

Scientists place human livers in suspended animation that triples survivability

Everyday, dozens of people die in the United States because they can't get an organ transplant -- this new procedure could save many of them.

Earliest evidence of milk consumption comes from Stone Age Britain

I don't know how I could live without cheese.

Malaria eradication by 2050 is ambitious but achievable

Malaria could be eradicated within a generation, a landmark report says.

As the planet changes, so do grasslands and their identity

Grasslands provide food and shelter for countless wildlife species -- but they're now threatened by climate change.

Napping once or twice per week may help protect you from heart attack or strokes

Catch some Z's for your heart!

MIT develops programmable, color-changing dyes that you can spray on basically anything

If you’ve ever been envious of chameleons, rejoice! New research is bringing their color-changing properties to a dye near you. Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have designed a new, reprogrammable ink that can change color when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) and visible light sources. Dubbed “PhotoChromeleon,” the dyes can be […]

Why you shouldn't *fly* to conferences

We need to talk about this.

Get ready for black hole videos, researchers say

Coming soon, to a telescope near you.

Astronauts mix cement in space station, pave way for buildings on other worlds

Researchers have shown that cement can work in space. Next-up: concrete.

Blind CEO develops smart cane that can use Google Maps to navigate surroundings

A remarkable technology that enables the blind to use navigation apps with ease.

Politically incorrect speakers are seen as more authentic

But this kind of language also poses risks.

Lightning 'superbolts' incoming from November to February, study reports

Thankfully, they almost always strike on water.

Music 'flows' in the opposite direction when we play it in our heads

The brain seems to treat how it listens and recalls music in opposite directions.

Why we gain weight as we age

The balance between the storage and removal of lipids in fat cells is disrupted as we grow older.

Zebrafish genes might unlock retina-regeneration therapies in humans

Fish is in the eye of the beholder.

Key variable used to study Mars' ancient atmosphere varies during the day

This used to mess up our calculations, but now we understand why.

Cigarette consumption in decline in the UK, showing tobacco tax works

Fewer people are addicted to tobacco in the UK than ever.

Tesla's new batteries could last for one million miles or two decades of energy storage

The breakthrough could enable Tesla to launch a mega fleet of autonomous 'robo taxis'.

A new equation may have finally solved Einstein's 'biggest blunder'

What's shocking is that even when he had a 'bad' idea, Einstein was still brilliant!

Blend solar panels with agriculture, new study recommends

Solar panels and plants can work well together, the research shows.

Suicide rates are rising across the US, especially in rural areas

"While our findings are disheartening, we're hopeful that they will help guide efforts to support Americans who are struggling."

Eruption of volcano in Hawaii led to phytoplankton bloom, study shows

What's a force of destruction for some can be a force of creation for others.

Decade-old debate put to rest with new measurement of proton diameter

They're not big.

Tech experts band together to issue $10 million challenge against deepfakes

It's a good approach in life not to believe everything you see -- but it's a vital skill on today's Internet.

Got a heart condition? High blood pressure? Beware of the flu

People with heart disease are at least six times more likely to have a heart attack after coming down with the flu.

Pea-sized brains grown in a dish generate advanced brain waves akin to those of premature babies

The findings are exciting -- but they also raise important ethical questions. Could someday lab-grown brains become conscious?

Photo of black hole snaps $3 million "Oscar of Science" award

Each of the group's 347 scientists, will get around US$8,600.