Discoveries Fossil Friday: the marine lizards mosasaurs used to do the breast stroke, study showed September 27, 2019
Genetics How CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing is set to change the world September 27, 2019 - Updated on September 30, 2019
Astrophysics NASA releases beautiful new animation of a black hole September 26, 2019 - Updated on August 31, 2023
Climate Global warming has affected world’s oceans and frozen regions, UN report warns September 25, 2019
Art Beautiful (and free) posters celebrating women in science September 25, 2019 - Updated on May 6, 2021
Mind & Brain How scientists used 17,000 wallets to find out just how honest people are September 24, 2019
Climate United Nations hosts key climate emergency summit in New York September 23, 2019 - Updated on July 11, 2023
Physics Quantum satellite investigates the gap between Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity September 22, 2019
Climate The recent heatwave in Europe between 1.5 to 3.0 °C hotter due to man-made climate heating September 20, 2019
Climate The climate warming we are causing is unparalleled in the past 2,000 years September 20, 2019 - Updated on January 9, 2020
Science There’s a 99.9999% chance humans are causing climate change September 20, 2019 - Updated on February 14, 2020
Biology Our brains can actively forget during REM sleep — and that’s why you don’t remember dreams September 20, 2019 - Updated on November 24, 2020
Environment More than a quarter of U.S. and Canadian birds disappeared in the last 50 years September 19, 2019 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Animals Pink sea urchins have self-sharpening teeth September 19, 2019 - Updated on February 12, 2024
Health Are US alcohol taxes way too low? They represent only a tenth of the cost incurred to the government September 19, 2019
Agriculture How plants decide when to flower and when to grow September 19, 2019 - Updated on January 31, 2023
Economics Oxen, the ‘robots of the late Neolithic’ jump-started economic inequality September 18, 2019
News Researchers uncover how the freak cold wave of 2018 formed September 18, 2019 - Updated on August 1, 2023
Diseases Gene-editing experiment makes mice immune to the common cold. Could humans be next? September 18, 2019
Science Immigrants less likely to fall into recidivism than non-immigrants, study shows September 18, 2019