News Having hobbies boosts confidence at work — but only if they’re very different from your job October 8, 2019
Environment The Maya had a larger environmental footprint than initially thought October 7, 2019 - Updated on October 8, 2019
Biology Trio wins Nobel Medicine Prize for uncovering how cells sense and adapt to oxygen levels October 7, 2019
News AI: a tool both for detecting and enhancing student plagiarism October 7, 2019 - Updated on October 10, 2019
Animals Bee markets still in good shape despite pressures from parasites and colony collapse disorder October 7, 2019
Science Around one-fifth of all animal species are involved in legal or illegal trade October 4, 2019 - Updated on May 24, 2023
Chemistry People are the “dominant source” of volatile organic compounds in the office October 4, 2019
Climate Climate change deniers still receiving disproportionate attention from the media, study finds October 3, 2019
Environment There’s a newly found responsible for ocean plastic waste — merchant ships October 2, 2019 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Animals Pixelated images showcase how close these species are to extinction October 2, 2019 - Updated on October 30, 2019
News The link between the music you listen to and your personality isn’t exactly clear October 1, 2019
Biology Nanoscale look at tooth enamel reveals its ‘mis-orientation’ that makes it so strong September 30, 2019
Science ZME Science stance on communicating the climate crisis September 29, 2019 - Updated on November 15, 2019