News Asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs triggered a sharp rise in ocean acidity October 23, 2019 - Updated on February 12, 2024
Diseases New flame retardants are as toxic as the ones they intended to replace October 23, 2019 - Updated on January 3, 2023
Chemistry New catalyst nanoparticle turns plastic waste into high-quality hydrocarbons for oils, waxes, cosmetics October 23, 2019
Science New parasite species causing drug-resistant disease in Brazil October 23, 2019 - Updated on May 4, 2020
News Steel foam could replace aluminum in aircraft wings October 22, 2019 - Updated on February 18, 2022
Climate As glaciers melt, new islands are discovered in the Arctic October 22, 2019 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Environment Dumping coal-fired in favor of gas-fired plants would save the U.S. a lot of water — switching to renewables, a whole lot more October 22, 2019
Animals Careful design and placement of wind turbines can minimize the threat to birds October 21, 2019
Environment Researchers have solid proof that the sea is rising — five islands have been lost so far, six more underway in the Solomon Islands October 18, 2019
Science What a century of physical exhaustion research has taught us October 17, 2019 - Updated on October 18, 2019
Animals Fastest ant in the world lives in the Sahara and it runs for dear life — at around 85 cm per second October 17, 2019
News Huge dinosaurs evolved cooling systems to escape heat stroke October 17, 2019 - Updated on October 29, 2019
Environment Environmental progress from electric vehicles hampered by growing SUV sales October 16, 2019
Archaeology 3000-year-old abandoned tools show that ancient warriors crossed Europe to join battlefields October 16, 2019 - Updated on October 18, 2019
Environment New model predicts where Ebola might strike next — and climate change is an issue October 16, 2019
Animals Monkeys are willing to try new solutions to problems, while humans stick to what they know — even if it’s less efficient October 16, 2019