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Recycling plastic could become easier thanks to this new technology

A factory in France has created a process to recycle any plastic into any other plastic

Immune system could be altered for years after a wildfire

Tiny particles penetrate into the lungs and the bloodstream

Sea level rise could endanger three times more people than previously expected

About 110 million worldwide live below the high-tide level.

New dark energy experiment may solve one of the universe's greatest mysteries

Will we have to rewrite Einstein's theory of gravity? The DESI experiment could find out.

A unique tree could help soils remain fertile in the Amazon

The inga tree can grow in very poor soil and improve it

Potentially fatal tick-borne brain disease found in the UK for first time

Experts described the risk of infection as "very low," but called on members of the public to be aware of ticks.

Sunlight might affect gut microbiome diversity

Vitamin D might mediate the link between sunlight and healthy bacterial diversity in the gut.

Immune cells on our skin destroy drug-resistant bacteria (MRSA) all the time, study finds

Why isn't there a copy-paste command in biology?

Smallest-yet image sensor for medical use wins Guinness World Record

It's the size of a grain of sand.

Growing demand for private jets challenges climate action

Companies and millionaires are expected to buy 8.000 new jets over the next decade

Bird eggs have different colors around the world, and this study has an idea why

While multiple evolutionary mechanisms are at play, a new study shows that eggs in colder climates tend to be darker, which keeps them warmer.

The healthiest food may also be the most sustainable one

A wider use of healthier diets could reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture

More effective tuberculosis vaccine passes early trials in Africa

It's a very promising development.

We eat more with friends and family than when we're alone -- here's why

Meal sizes were between 29% and 48% larger compared to when eating alone.

Trees and water: don’t underestimate the connection

Trees have extraordinary powers, especially when it comes to water. But such powers must be wielded with care.

Scientists have found a record-breaking 500-km-long mega lightning bolt

Some thunderstorms are so intense that the vivid lightning and crashes of thunder may keep you up at night. Here’s a thought that will surely keep you awake during such restless storms: some lightning bolts are so large they can extend across multiple states. According to scientists who analyzed satellite imagery, one such lighting bolt […]

Bee-killing pesticides offer negligible benefits to soy farmers -- but farmers are not convinced

These pesticides are threatening bee populations, while providing marginal benefits at most.

Researchers may have spotted the smallest dwarf planet in the solar system

Small but significant.

Vivid gladiator fresco discovered at Pompeii

The fresco is in fantastic shape.

Human encroachment on the world's protected natural areas is increasing

Protected areas support the climate and wildlife -- it is our responsability to look after them properly.

Your hairs hide secrets -- some subsets of schizophrenia can be detected by biomarkers in our hair

They told me my new haircut was crazy but I never expected this!

Wind power has the potential to supply the world's electricity needs 18 times over

Behind the growth of wind energy there’s the growing awareness of the climate crisis and political responses to environmental concerns, the report said.

Carbon capture could be worse than initially thought, study shows

Using carbon capture only reduces a small fraction of the emissions

Our earliest ancestors may have originated in southern Africa

A new study traced back our ancestral homeland to the south of the Zambezi river, just north of Botswana.

Germany's Oktoberfest generated 10 times more methane emissions than Boston

The event emitted as much methane as Boston in the same period

Humans figured out how to start fires way sooner than expected

Ancient humans knew how to handle and make fire earlier than assumed.

Landmark historic street discovered under Jerusalem, built by Pontius Pilate

It's a finding at the intersection of history and religion.

How a simple trick could inoculate adolescents against junk food advertising

A basic intervention could encourage kids to eat healthier food.

Why Exxon is on trial in the US

The company is accused of lying to its investors over the future of the climate

Fossil Friday: paleontological trove shows how mammals took over from the dinosaurs

Mammals quickly grew in size after the dinosaur linage collapsed, an exciting new study shows.

Could wormholes actually exist?

A new study describes a technique that could be used to find wormholes.

AI enables mind-controlled handwriting in paralyzed person

A neural network interprets the thoughts of paralyzed patients who image using a pen to form letters and words.

Astronomers confirm heavy elements are born from neutron star collisions

You like gold? That too may have been forged by the catacylsmic merger of neutron stars millions of years ago.

People eat 80% less meat when there are more veggie options on the menu

This is the first study that investigated how rearranging a menu can influence meat-free meals.

Probiotics are rarely actually useful -- and they might sometimes be bad for you

Choose wisely.

Researchers map the molecular structure of wood in bid to make it more resilient

"If we can increase the strength of wood, we may start seeing more major constructions moving away from steel and concrete to timber," says the team.

Blind people don't suffer from schizophrenia -- and the reason could help us find a treatment

A most surprising connection.

E. coli superbugs linked to poor hygiene and not contaminated food

E. coli may cause food poisoning, urinary tract infections, or intestinal infections.

Coca-Cola labeled once more as worst plastic polluter

Global audit found the company responsible for over 11,000 pieces of plastic collected during a full day cleanup.

Forest fires put the Amazon close to its tipping point

In two years, the rainforest could start becoming a savannah

Rats trained to drive makeshift cars seem to find it relaxing

Unlike most of us, rats seem to find driving relaxing. A team of U.S. scientists reports training a group of rats to drive tiny vehicles around in exchange for treats (Froot Loops cereal). The team found hormonal cues suggesting that the animals found driving around to be relaxing, maybe even fun and enjoyable. The findings […]

Polio Type 3 eradicated globally

A major milestone in the global effort to eradicate all poliovirus strains.

Crabs can solve mazes and find their way out

Crustaceans are just as good as some mammals at spatial learning.

The UK may soon get its first cryogenic energy battery

Energy storage company Highview Power has announced its intention to build a cryogenic energy storage facility in the north of England, a first for the U.K. A decommissioned power plant will be converted to house the cryobattery, according to Highview Power. After completion, the installation will have a 50 MW/250 MWh capacity (roughly as much […]

Google says it has achieved "quantum computational supremacy"

Google claims that its quantum processor solved a problem in 200 seconds, whereas a normal machine would have taken 10,000 years.

Asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs triggered a sharp rise in ocean acidity

Researchers found that the extinction event from 66 million years ago coincided with a sharp drop in the pH levels of the oceans—which indicates a rise in ocean acidity.

New flame retardants are as toxic as the ones they intended to replace

They can lead to serious health harms in kids and adults

New catalyst nanoparticle turns plastic waste into high-quality hydrocarbons for oils, waxes, cosmetics

Sick of plastic waste? So are these researchers.

Organic farming could actually be worst for global warming

It would requiere more land to produce the same amount of food

Bacteria's social lives influence how they develop drug resistance

Judging by the findings, I should be completely drug-resistant forever.