Home science Tech giant experiments with 4-day work week: productivity increased by 40% November 7, 2019
News More plants and trees could help the US reduce air pollution by 27% according to new research November 7, 2019
Climate More than 11,000 scientists foresee “untold suffering” due to climate emergency November 6, 2019
Health THC and CBD during early pregnancy might cause alcohol-like fetal defects November 6, 2019 - Updated on July 16, 2020
Health Cold, humid weather really does make the pain worse, study shows November 5, 2019 - Updated on August 1, 2023
Health A sleepless night can trigger a 30% rise in anxiety November 5, 2019 - Updated on July 19, 2023
Science Retired truck driver can walk on two legs again thanks to Terminator-like bionic leg November 4, 2019
Animals One small-brained Kenyan bird creates complex societies, and it can teach us about our own November 4, 2019 - Updated on August 24, 2023
Environment Trump’s response to California fires paints a dire picture for climate change November 4, 2019
Nutrition Why are minerals important for human health November 2, 2019 - Updated on September 21, 2023
Archaeology “The last necklace made by the Neanderthals” included eagle talons and is teaching us about our ancient cousins November 1, 2019
Biology New genetic research effort aims to make watermelons tastier, more resilient November 1, 2019
Future New Li-ion battery design can charge electric cars to 80% in less than 10 minutes October 31, 2019