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Our ancestors screened partners for 'niceness' -- and our genomes reflect that.
Climate models from as early as the 1970s were already reliable enough to offer reliable projections of temperature increases as a result of GHGs.
People love to communicate -- there are over 7,000 languages in use today.
Not to mention that it has direct effects on human health
Have you ever tried sending a mating call when there's a plane nearby? It's the worst.
As if mother nature didn't already have enough to deal with.
The high salt content of ramen could increase your chances of having a stroke.
Japan, Germany and Philippines were among the most affected countries last year
A dim patch in an otherwise bright galaxy is the epicenter of a supermassive black hole whose mass is 40 billion times greater than that of the Sun.
"When the good news is that emissions growth is slower than last year, we need help," the researchers explain.
Scientists installed underwater speakers in dead or dying coral which played sounds typical of healthy reefs. Wildlife soon flocked back.
Scientists have used a complex setup that allowed them to image intermediate chemical compounds that typically last only a thousandth a billionth of a second.
It's a skill that can likely be trained, the team explains.
This puts them at high risk for extinction
Nine in ten make-up bags contained dangerous microbes. The newly popular ‘beauty blender’ products were worst offenders.
Bionic chips could one day offer a novel therapy for sleep apnoea and heart failure.
Parts from the craft landed in almost two dozen locations spanning several kilometers.
It's a way to effectively treat prostate cancer with minimal side effects.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is why researchers turned to eye-tracking technology to perfect their work in plastic surgery.
Being direct in your intentions as a woman seems to be the most effective tactic to pique a man's interest. In some cases, though, it makes sense to use a more flippant line.
Brushing teeth frequently is linked with lower risks of atrial fibrillation and heart failure, a surprising new study shows.
The team is currently working with climate scientists to compare the new dataset with in situ observations and with the output from salinity models.
The study represents one of the most comprehensive analyses of U.S. mortality rates among the 50 states.
It takes me longer to even decide to go to the dentist.
"Our results indicate that the disappearance of Neanderthals might have resided in the smallness of their population(s) alone," the paper's abstract reads.
Every year, the British Ecological Society runs the photo competition to "celebrate the diversity of ecology".
The potentially deadly illness, which can be easily prevented with vaccinations, continues to spike globally.
Black holes and neutron stars are the densest and most mysterious objects in the universe, and researchers may have figured out the source of the light they emit.
The QLED TV sets you see on Amazon aren't actually the real deal. This is what genuine quantum dot-based displays might look like.
Classic science, budding its way into something that's been going on for millennia.
The study focused on a large shell ring -- essentially, a shellfish waste dump.
While the sample size was small, virtually all the dolphins in the study favored their right side while foraging.
The anemone fish is finding difficulties to adapt to the fast changes in its environment
New observations confirm that main asteroid belt object Hygiea is round. It now fulfills all the requirements to graduate from asteroid to dwarf planet.
Researchers show how cultural changes in Africa over the past 10,000 years can be tracked using the size of eggshell beads.
One tiny piece of sandstone found in Jordan could be the world’s oldest known chess piece ever found. Chess is believed to come from India from around 1,500 years ago. Since then, it has spread around the world. That being said, the game itself, its pieces, and its name, likely changed over time. In a […]
Anything larger would need more blood than a heart can pump.
New study says there's a full consensus among scientists on man-made climate change
I'll be a genius by the time I hit 70.
No helmet is injury-proof -- but this could make quite a difference.
Unecessary e-mails are responsible for as much CO2 as thousands of cars.
A White House report calculated the staggering cost of the opioid misuse crisis.
The more things change, the more they stay the same: manipulation isn't a new concept, it's been around since the dawn of mankind.
A new film pushes the boundaries of stop motion cinematography by employing 3D figurines the size of a grain of dust.
Like Exxon, the coal industry knew that its product would cause climate change and has tried its best to hide this fact.
A new study reports on 364 genetic elements that could be involved in obesity regulation.
The printed objects are small, but very complex.
A further global warming could lead to irreversible changes
The US space agency hopes to go back to the moon by 2024
The national dietary guidelines of Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Japan, Portugal, and Slovenia are sustainable.