Health Meat really is bad for you, yet another study finds February 13, 2020 - Updated on January 24, 2022
Anthropology ‘Ghost DNA’ belonging to ancient extinct humans is still alive in the genomes of West Africans February 13, 2020
Great Pics Epic photo of two mice fighting over crumbs wins award for Wildlife Photographer of the Year February 13, 2020 - Updated on February 14, 2020
News Iranian propaganda tries to pass $20 children’s Halloween costume as an astronaut suit February 12, 2020
Climate The Amazon is on its way to becoming a full carbon source, researchers claim February 12, 2020
Animals This is the only pink manta ray in the world — and people are going crazy over it February 12, 2020
Geology Zealandia, the world’s 8th continent, linked to the forging of the Pacific Ring of Fire February 12, 2020 - Updated on June 3, 2020
Science Add financial services to the list of things AI is revolutionizing February 11, 2020 - Updated on February 13, 2020
Biology What’s the link between autism and gut bacteria? February 11, 2020 - Updated on April 20, 2023
Science For the first time in history, all top law school journals are led by women February 10, 2020
Health Gwyneth Paltrow’s “Goop” is still a scam and the recent Netflix flick is horrible February 7, 2020 - Updated on August 29, 2023
Biology The Biodiversity Heritage Library made over 150,000 illustrations and 55 million pages of research free to download February 5, 2020
Biology Canadian researchers develop hand-held skin printer to treat burn patients February 5, 2020 - Updated on May 5, 2020
News AI upscales iconic 1895 film to 4K 60fps and the results are amazing February 5, 2020 - Updated on February 6, 2020
Archaeology This well might be the oldest wood structure in the world February 5, 2020 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Climate “I’m not relying on evidence” for climate change, says Australian senator February 5, 2020 - Updated on May 4, 2020
Diseases Coronavirus is increasingly looking like a pandemic — but it’s not one yet February 4, 2020 - Updated on February 27, 2020
Book Reviews Food or War? A look at feast and famine in our quest for peace and sustainability January 31, 2020
Animals Scientists strap controller onto jellyfish, turn it into a super-fast cyborg-jellyfish January 31, 2020
Climate Fossil-free steel by 2026: company decision could slash Sweden’s emissions by 10% January 31, 2020 - Updated on May 5, 2020