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But we now know how to stop it.
A rare form of an iron-carbide mineral was found by researchers
Bottom trawler fishermen are reinventing themselves in a sustainable way
It’s about dam time: Beavers are acknowledged for their firefighting skills in five recent blazes.
It is, for many of us, the most wonderful time of the year. “Christmas cheer” is that thing which is often referred to by those who believe December really is the season to be jolly. It’s that feeling of joy, warmth and nostalgia people feel when the jingle bells start jingling. But what is the […]
Even in times that pre-dated the dinosaurs, many creatures cared for their young.
"The future mammal record will be mostly cows, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, etc., and people themselves," the authors note.
The mission was a bust -- but we got the spaceship back!
Seasonally appropriate news.
A coated polyurethane foam could become an indispensible tool in our oil cleanup kit.
Asbestos is a really useful mineral but it's also incredibly dangerous to handle.
People recognize the climate crisis but fail to understand key elements
The region could turn into a savanna in just a few decades
Ancient cultures have always associated epilepsy with some religious intervention.
Dutch government will have to cut emissions by at least 25% by 2020
The plan is to go fully-renewable by 2050.
Students could see a 50% decline in cognitive capacity by 2100 if CO2 emissions don't drop.
Ironically, it makes us put in less and less effort.
Combination of drought, fires and high temperatures create a problematic scenario
It's a small step for bacteria, and potentially a very large step for mankind.
The 386-million-year-old forest marked a massive transition in the planet's history from sparce vegetation to lush tropical forests.
Studies funded by the egg industry downplay negative results
Eating well is good for you and the national budget.
For three and a half centuries, the three-body-problem has given mathematicians headaches. Now, a new study is bringing us one step closer to solving it.
Underwater photography is spectacular enough. But what if we could make it even more amazing?
More people are eating meat in China, leading to farmers using more fertilizers.
The soft robots are propelled by hair-thin artificial muscles.
"Prevention is going to be key to better managing this epidemic," the authors explain.
'Password1!' isn't a good password.
A new investigation suggests that Homo erectus survived on Indonedian island long enough to overlap with our own species, Homo sapiens.
A staggering 21% of LGBTQPAN women and gender non-conforming participants claimed they were physically harassed in their workplace.
Martian auroras are linked to water loss on the red planet's surface, which is why the connection is quite important to scientists.
The planet's magnetic north pole is shifting at an alarming rate. Luckily, our magnetic model has received a much needed update.
A nationwide average temperature of 40.9 degrees Celsius this Tuesday set a new record for the land down under.
The colorful bird got extinct in 1918, surprising many
Continuously cutting down forests and planting new ones is deplenting the soils of crucial minerals, new analysis shows.
The early Neolithic female was a hunter-gather
I know what he's doing, but it still works.
It's about time American lawmakers treat gun violence as the publich health crisis that it truly is.
You can starve on too much food.
Can the business of large journals benefit from the existence of smaller journals?
Understanding how these distinct viruses hinder each other could be useful to improve forecasting models that predict respiratory disease outbreaks and strategies for controlling disease spread.
The launch of the ESA’s CHEOPS satellite has been postponed as a result of a software error, reports the University of Bern.
A new mapped the surface of a pulsar, and it may cause astronomers to rewrite their textbooks.
An alliance of fossil fuel-loving countries (boasting the US, Russia, Australia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia) stood against the world, fighting against real climate action.
Moths that employ chemical defenses aren't in a hurry to avoid predatory bats.
AI performance is doubling nearly every 3 months, a new report shows.
All in all, some 563 square kilometers (217 square miles) of forest were cut down in November.
The agreement could help to protect environmental leaders in Latin America.
Astronomers think that the Milky Way's supermassive black hole may have a companion -- and that could teach us more about how galaxies form and evolve.