Health Childhood obesity in the U.S. may increase considerably due to coronavirus lockdown April 5, 2020
Economics Economic effects of coronavirus lockdowns are staggering – but health recovery must be prioritized April 4, 2020 - Updated on April 5, 2020
Climate California, and the world at large, will contend with longer, hotter, drier wildfire seasons April 3, 2020
Diseases The Internet is dealing well with growing coronavirus traffic April 3, 2020 - Updated on April 5, 2020
Science The Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay April 3, 2020 - Updated on April 7, 2020
Animals Mice have different facial expression depending on how they feel — a doorway to the origin of emotions April 3, 2020
Science Coronavirus in Philippines — live updates, cases, and news April 3, 2020 - Updated on February 4, 2023
Science Coronavirus in France — live updates, cases, and news April 3, 2020 - Updated on February 4, 2023
Science Coronavirus in New Zealand — live updates, cases, and news April 3, 2020 - Updated on February 4, 2023
Science Coronavirus in India — live updates, cases, and news April 3, 2020 - Updated on April 24, 2020
Science Coronavirus in the Netherlands — live updates, cases, and news April 3, 2020 - Updated on February 4, 2023
Science Coronavirus in Ireland — live updates, cases, and news April 3, 2020 - Updated on February 4, 2023
Science Coronavirus in Nigeria — live updates, cases, and news April 3, 2020 - Updated on February 4, 2023
Science Coronavirus in Singapore — live updates, cases, and news April 3, 2020 - Updated on February 4, 2023
Science Coronavirus in Brazil — live updates, cases, and news April 3, 2020 - Updated on February 4, 2023
Interviews Outbreaks like the coronavirus will become more common. Here’s how we must prepare April 2, 2020
Biology UK researchers map “profound long‐term changes” in plankton populations around their island April 2, 2020
Health Coronavirus in Australia — live updates, cases, and news April 2, 2020 - Updated on February 4, 2023
Health Prisons are packed with elderly and chronically sick inmates — a COVID-19 ticking timebomb April 2, 2020
Health Taiwan has valuable coronavirus lessons, but the World Health Organization continues to shun it April 1, 2020
Climate Scientists find evidence of ancient tropical rainforest in Antarctica April 1, 2020 - Updated on April 3, 2020
Health What you need to know about mRNA vaccines — a unique solution to solving the coronavirus crisis April 1, 2020
Environment Four leading brands are responsible for 500,000 tons of plastic pollution per year April 1, 2020 - Updated on April 2, 2020
Diseases Why researchers are confident that we’ll (eventually) have a COVID-19 vaccine March 31, 2020