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Asthma drug might treat COVID-19 pneumonia

Pneumonia symptoms improved within two days of the drug's administration.

African hunter-gatherers prefer squatting to sitting -- and this may explain why they're healthier

Hazda tribespeople spend just as much time in sedentary behavior like people from the US. They prefer not to sit though, and this has positive effects for their health.

How good hand-washing beats COVID-19 (and other contagious diseases)

All your washing tips in one place

Scientists find hidden brain patterns that predict what video is gonna go viral

Certain brain patterns can forecast what kind of video becomes popula.

Coronavirus has a 5.1 days incubation period, study shows

This suggests the 14-day quarantine period is reasonable.

Talkative robots make humans chat too -- especially robots that show 'vulnerability'

Robots admitting to making a mistake can improve communication between humans -- at least during games.

Sea turtles are attracted to the smell of plastic like it is food

Researchers were surprised to see loggerhead turtles respond to the odor of marine plastic like it was their favorite food.

A compound against SARS shows promise against the COVID-19 virus

"Striking similarities" between the two viruses make them vulnerable to the same compounds.

Looking for disinfectants against coronavirus? Here's a list approved by the EPA

Washing your hands still remains the main way of prevention.

Italy essentially shuts down Lombardy, quarantining 16 million people

Northern Italy is increasingly looking like Wuhan.

"This is not a drill" -- it's time to pull all the stops on the coronavirus, World Health Organization urges

Last call for containment.

Lettuce grown in space is just as nutritious as that grown on Earth

The findings suggest that astronauts can safely grow leaf vegetables in space -- or at least lettuce for now.

The weird World of Warcraft pandemic of 2005

As the world battles the Covid-19 pandemic, there are lessons to be learned from the popular computer game.

Empathetic rats avoid hurting other rats

Humans and rats seem to share the same brain region responsible for empathetic behavior.

3 out of 4 dogs suffer from some form of anxiety, and owners should be more aware of this

The incidence and severity of anxiety disorders varied greatly from breed to breed -- something that owners should be aware of in order to improve their pets' quality of life.

Koalas are facing the threat of extinction after Australia's forest fires, NGO claims

At least 5.000 have died because of the forest fires

Truck crashes into Easter Island sacred statue

The tourism boom is affecting Easter Island.

Why so many epidemics originate in Asia and Africa – and why we can expect more

It's not a coincidence.

Student and stressed? Take 10 minutes and go to the park, a study suggests

Are you a student struggling with unbearable amounts of stress? Nature can help.

Washington might already have hundreds of undetected coronavirus cases

Washington could see dramatic increase in the number of Covid-19 cases.

NASA just released this insane 1.8-billion-pixel panorama of the Martian landscape

Nearly 1,200 individual images taken last year were pieced together to produce this epic panorama.

Coronavirus lingers in rooms and toilets -- but disinfectants kill it

The virus can be killed by cleanliness.

A plastic-eating caterpillar can help fight pollution with its wonder stomach

Researchers find more answers about its main features, and the results are intriguing.

CRISPR gene-editing therapy inserted in the human body for the first time

The technology aims to treat a rare genetic disorder that causes blindness.

Mpemba on steroids: the surprising way to heat some things faster

Cooling some materials first can make them heat faster. Heating some materials can make them freeze faster.

Grafted mini muscles enable amputees to control robot hand with their minds

A novel way of controlling prosthetic robotic hands may change people's lives for the better.

Dogs can't pass the coronavirus to humans, even if they test positive for it

Finally, some good news.

Are Americans fed up with DNA testing?

Ancestry and 23andMe, the largest DNA testing companies, have laid off staff this year after bad sales in the previous year.

Understanding The Very Slow Economic Growth Of Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s economic growth rate has been one of the least in the U.S. in the past year and this has been evident in the reduction of job growth rate, increased claim to unemployment insurance, as well a drop in tax revenues. The numbers of people who try to access unemployment insurance are now about 2,000 […]

There might be two Covid-19 strains, new study claims

It's still a preliminary study.

New Zealand parrots can assess probabilities to make the best decision

An endangered bird from New Zealand and the only alpine parrot in the world uses probabilities when taking a gamble.

Bill Gates funds study to find what kills Covid-19

The search for a cure is in full swing,

A December 2019 study described the best way to fight a pandemic: wash your hands

You've probably heart it before, but here we go again: wash your hands, often and thoroughly.

We might have a new dark matter candidate particle -- and we've already discovered it before

Physicists have proposed a number of candidate particles to explain dark matter, but they were all hypothetical -- until now.

Pesticides are affecting baby bees, study shows

Learning ability is impaired due to pesticides exposure.

The coronavirus fatality rate might be around 3.4%, World Health Organization warns

The spread can still be contained, but we need sustained action.

Ship quarantine resulted in more coronavirus cases

To make matters even worse, the CDC wanted to drop passengers at a mall after a quarantine.

Coronavirus in Iran: 23 Members of Parliament test positive, situation continues to escalate

The coronavirus outbreak has shattered trust in Iran's leaders as the country's struggles to contain the disease are largely ineffective.

Drug prices in the US rose three times faster than inflation over the last decade

Drug prices have gone up a lot in the last decade, many times faster than inflation, despite the products having stayed the same.

Tourism needs to start considering invasive plants

Invasive species are one of the most overlooked environmental threats.

Air pollution shortens global life expectancy by three years, study shows

The coronavirus isn't the only pandemic running amok.

Group of EU countries demand more ambitious climate commitment

Twelve countries asked the EU to be more ambitious on climate policies.

Researchers dive deep into the genetic legacy of the transatlantic slave trade

The transatlantic slave trade was at its height between 1750 and 1850. Now, a new study analyzing the genomes of people with African ancestry has confirmed this and provides more insight.

Democrat voters see climate change as a top priority in the presidential elections

Climate change is the most important issue for Democrat voters, second only to healthcare.

Coronavirus quarantine drastically improves air quality in China

Economic slowdown leads to reduction in nitrogen dioxide in mainland China following coronavirus quarantine.

Early Earth may have been a 'Waterworld' completely covered in a global ocean

About 3.2 billion years ago, planet Earth may have lacked continents, being covered in water.

Australia's deep-sea canyons feature coral gardens

It's beautiful and eerie.

Hunter-gatherer "social media" accelerated our evolution

Long before you were using Facebook and Snapchat, our ancestors had developed a different kind of social network.

Want to have a healthy weight? Eat breakfast, not late-night snacks

Your mom was right -- you should eat your breakfast.

This woman urinates alcohol -- it's a never-before-seen condition

It's a startling condition that's difficult to detect.