Health LA studies suggest coronavirus is far more widespread than expected, but experts are not convinced April 22, 2020
Environment Bangladesh’s waters are heavily contaminated with medicine, pesticides, and other chemicals April 21, 2020
News Poisoning-related calls surge due to cleaning product misuse since coronavirus pandemic April 21, 2020
Biology ‘Brain fossil’ suggests origin of human language may be 25-million-years old April 21, 2020 - Updated on April 24, 2020
Health Still think it’s just like the flu? COVID-19 now officially killed more Americans than the entire 2019 flu season — and it’s just started April 20, 2020
Diseases After initial success, Japan and Singapore struggle with the second wave of coronavirus infections April 20, 2020 - Updated on May 4, 2020
Science 80% of Americans believe they read coronavirus “fake news” in the early stages of the epidemic April 20, 2020
Diseases New York to starts an “aggressive” antibody test campaign, but questions still loom about tests April 20, 2020
News Coronavirus lockdown in California saves taxpayers $1 billion in avoided car crashes April 20, 2020
Health Health experts are calling Trump’s slashing of WHO funding “dangerous, politically-motivated” April 19, 2020
Climate South Korea’s newly elected parliament pledges net-zero carbon future April 17, 2020 - Updated on May 5, 2020
News As many as 3.3 million people may die in Africa this year from the coronavirus April 17, 2020 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Economics Japan announces state of emergency, gives 100,000 yen ($920) to all citizens for virus relief April 17, 2020 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Animals Three memos show the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service killed endangered Mexican gray wolves April 17, 2020
Science African Americans get infected with COVID-19 at higher rates and it’s more likely to be fatal April 17, 2020
Health Coronavirus damages the lungs in severe cases, as well as the heart and kidneys April 16, 2020
News Swiss-European satellite CHEOPS finished its test phase and will start peering out in space April 16, 2020
Diseases These conditions need to be met to end a coronavirus lockdown, according to the WHO April 16, 2020
Health Sweden didn’t impose a lockdown. It might be paying a heavy price April 16, 2020 - Updated on May 5, 2020
News Spire-like 150-ft-long deep-sea predator is the world’s longest creature April 16, 2020 - Updated on March 15, 2023
Health Stress causes physical changes in the brains of mice, and it may help us design medicine to fight it April 15, 2020
Environment New, ultrathin solar cell doubles the current efficiency record by reaching almost 50% April 15, 2020
Science Social distancing will have to be turned on and off like a light switch until 2022 to keep coronavirus at bay April 15, 2020