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For most of us in the west, epidemics are what happen to other people. COVID-19 has changed that.
They created a high resolution map of microplastics and macroplastics
Minorities are particularly at risk of COVID-19. Social and economic factors might help explain why.
Organ transplants dropped by 50% in the U.S. and by a staggering 91% in France.
We have a long road ahead of us if we want to make contact tracing apps work.
These were the hi-tech gadgets of the Upper Paleolithic
The frequency of the radiation is too low to penetrate the human skin but still enough to destroy virsues within minutes.
New research in Sicily has found human-associated bacteria in underground caves.
Can we afford to ignore science any longer?
Study found no connection between temperature or latitude and the spread of the virus
Some rising tides sink all boats.
After a steady decrease in the number of cases, Germany reports growing infections, coinciding with lockdown relaxation.
It already feels like a long battle, but we're far from weathering the storm.
Most people seem to gain immunity, but questions still loom about antibody detectability and immunity duration.
The finding could help us understand how coronaviruses make the jump to humans.
The world is changing -- how will technology adapt?
Now more than ever it's important to practices self-care.
Fossilized behaviors are extremely rare finds.
It's not yet deployable on a mass scale, but at least we know it works.
Tree planting is far from a panacea, researchers argue, and shouldn't be seen as a solution by itself.
SARS-CoV-2 can infect humans through direct or indirect contact, and the eyes seem particularly vulnerable.
The search for the gene that enables some bees to give birth without having sex took more than 30 years.
Warmer, wetter tropical soil increases microbial activity -- which belch out CO2.
"We believe Jurassic Park was wrong about raptor behavior," say the authors.
You might not catch COVID-19, but you can definitely catch an accent.
Practicing yoga in conjuction to prescription medication reduces both the frequency of headaches and pill usage for managing migraines.
A cliff face on mars is telling us of its watery past.
It's hard to imagine a responsible reopening of society without the widespread use of protective equipment.
The epidemic is also saving lives by forcing a reduction in air pollution.
How can dating work during a lockdown? People get creative.
Survey shows most people see climate change as being just as dangerous as the pandemic.
Half of the low-income respondents said they feared they would lose their jobs, compared to less than 20% of higher-income Americans.
Software bugs are a common occurrence, but this new AI might help weed them out.
The Bizzaro World: Are big tech companies now protecting our privacy from the government?
The things we say can shape the lives of others. Especially if you're a leader.
Seriously, it's one of the stupidest ways to waste taxpayers' money.
High temperatures have combined with unauthorized agricultural fires to spawn massive blazes.
The stars in the same triple system as the black hole are so close they can be seen with the naked eye.
Logging increased the risk and severity of the Australian wildfires of last year.
California's beaches are enjoying a ghostly blue glow at night due to algal blooms.
Aromatic oils that give cannabis its signature taste and smell might have a role to play in fighting the coronavirus.
I've never related to anything more in my life.
Healthcare analytics could become an indispensable weapon in scientists' warchest against pandemics in the future.
In addition to social distancing and testing, identifying and isolating infected individuals seems to pay dividends.
The U.S. government has suddenly terminated funding for a years-long research project in China.
Researchers claimed a French patient already had the virus in late December.
Researchers found a microbe in Kenya that protects mosquitoes against malaria.
In fact, some hypertension medication might actually improve outcomes in COVID-19 patients.
The hardest hit regions are in Asia and Africa.
Survey shows adults want to work from home after the epidemic