Chemistry New curing method paves the way to cheap, non-toxic, plastic radiation shielding May 12, 2020
Climate As sea level rises in Europe, setting up defenses would save money in the long-run May 12, 2020
Climate Climate pledges of oil giants are still insufficient and they should step up their game May 12, 2020
Health When should schools reopen? The kind of policy that should never be taken lightly May 12, 2020
Health The global south is not spared by the coronavirus — it’s just behind a couple of weeks May 12, 2020
Health Far-UVC lamps could be the future of indoor disinfection during the pandemic (and beyond) May 11, 2020 - Updated on May 13, 2020
Biology Even underground ecosystems are being influenced by humanity May 11, 2020 - Updated on February 27, 2024
News When we need it the most, federal funding for research in the U.S. is ‘lowest in years’ May 11, 2020
Environment We could see up to 1.3m of sea-level rise by 2100 if we don’t take action now May 11, 2020
Diseases As Germany relaxes its quarantine, the number of cases starts to increase again May 11, 2020
Diseases Herd immunity against COVID-19 won’t happen for a long time — and it’s dangerous to think otherwise May 11, 2020
Home science The World is Changing: Viruses, Climate Change, Pollution — How Can Tech Help? May 10, 2020 - Updated on May 12, 2020
Mind & Brain How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health During Quarantine May 10, 2020 - Updated on August 18, 2021
Environment Researchers develop a functional artificial chloroplast May 8, 2020 - Updated on May 9, 2020
Health Apple and Google ban GPS tracking in contact-tracing apps May 7, 2020 - Updated on April 30, 2021
Health How memes, bleach, and a President can turn into a public health issue May 6, 2020 - Updated on May 12, 2020
Environment For Russia, it’s not all about coronavirus, as large parts of Siberia are on fire May 6, 2020 - Updated on May 18, 2020